2003/04 – 2005/06 SERVICE
Ministry of Management Services
Goals, Objectives, Strategies, Performance Measures and Targets
Goal 1:Provide enterprise-wide Information
Management/Information Technology and business process policy,
governance, and strategic direction within which Government
can implement e-Government and service delivery.
Goal 2:Provide accountability mechanisms for
ensuring that all mandated strategic business initiatives
are successfully delivered with agreed upon business results.
Goal 3: Develop and implement an overall strategy
for the integration of client-focused, multi-channel service
delivery. Efficiently and effectively operate corporate call
centres, IVR, enterprise portals, and in person access to
Government programs and services.
Goal 4: Excel in the provision of innovative,
responsive, cost-effective, common IT services, financial
and administration services, payroll services and procurement
and supply services to the public sector.
Goal 5:Provide leadership for Information Technology
procurement and Human Resource management for the Information
Management / Information Technology community.