Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.

Goals, Objectives, Strategies, Performance Measures and TargetsContinued

Goal 1: Provide enterprise-wide Information Management/Information Technology and business process policy, governance, and strategic direction within which Government can implement e-Government and service delivery.

Objectives Delivery Strategies
1. Create the strategic frameworks for Information Management/Information Technology decision-making

• Develop and deliver all key elements of the e-BC Strategic Plan

• Implement the key initiatives defined in the Alternative Service Delivery (ASD) Strategy

• Develop and communicate Enterprise-Wide IM/IT Governance, Standards and Architectures

• Define the Service Delivery Framework

• Implement privacy legislation, policy and procedures to support business and service delivery initiatives

2. Enable cross-Ministry collaboration

• Provide support to Ministries in the implementation of e-BC and ASD initiatives

• Proactively manage and integrate the Information Resource Management Plan (IRMP) process while creating awareness of the benefits of collaboration

• Review all IM/IT Treasury Board Submissions

3. Provide leading practice research and opportunity analysis expertise • Provide leading practice and value proposition/analysis support to Ministries
4. Develop a privacy, access and information management legislative and governance framework

• Review and amend the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPP Act)

• Coordinate Government’s participation in the all-party FOIPP Act legislative review

• Develop and implement personal information protection legislation for the private sector

5. Develop an overall action plan to bridge the digital divide

• Obtain the maximum amount of funding from the Federal Government for high-speed broadband access

• Work with partner Ministries to ensure that their activities are coordinated and integrated with bridging the digital divide

• Conduct a detailed review, in conjunction with the private sector, of all the possible business models for bridging the digital divide

• Develop an implementation plan to bring broadband access to First Nations communities

Key Performance Measures:

Base 2002/03 Target
2003/04 2004/05 2005/06
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPP) FOIPP Act amended; implement amendments and policy Implementation ongoing Implementation ongoing
All party legislative review started; support and coordinate for government Review Continues; Committee reports out Amend FOIPP Act
Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA) legislation Develop PIPA legislation PIPA Act passed Implementation ongoing Implementation ongoing
Percentage of Population with Access to Broadband Facilities 82% 85% 87% 90%
  • On time submission of all Information Resource Management Plans with identification of cross-Ministry collaboration opportunities
  • Treasury Board members indicate that the analysis of Information Management/Information Technology submissions is rigorous, comprehensive and takes a Government-wide approach

Supporting Core Business Area: Governance and Integration


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