Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.

Goals, Objectives, Strategies, Performance Measures and TargetsContinued

Goal 4: Excel in the provision of innovative, responsive, cost-effective, common IT services, financial and administration services, payroll services and procurement and supply services to the public sector.

Objectives Delivery Strategies
1. Reduce unit and overall shared services costs

• Determine the optimal delivery model for each service type

• Recruit or train contract management staff for management of IT partner relationships and service contracts

• Provide coaching to Ministries and partners on the practical application of technical and business process service level standards

• Perform ongoing review and streamlining of business processes to achieve cost savings

• Expand use of shared services to the broader public sector

2. Maintain a high level of client satisfaction

• Develop Client Service Level ratings for each line of business

• Establish and monitor Service Agreements

• Conduct client satisfaction surveys and use information to improve operations

3. Be accountable to its client base

• Establish transparent costing/pricing/billing framework

• Report on benchmarking and performance measures

Key Performance Measures:

  Base 2002/03 Target
2003/04 2004/05 2005/06
Satisfaction rating of agency clients with price, service and accountability Establish Baseline Exceed Baseline Exceed Baseline
Percentage of total revenue generated from the broader public sector 12% 15% 17%
  • Benchmark service levels and costs with industry leading practices

Supporting Core Business Area: BC Shared Services Agency


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