Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.
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Goals and Core Business Areas  
Performance Measures and Targets  
Consistency with Government's Strategic Plan  
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Summary of Related Planning Processes  

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2003/04 – 2005/06 SERVICE PLAN
Ministry of Energy and Mines

Summary of Related Planning Processes

Information Resource Management Plan


In order to effectively carry out its mandate, the Ministry of Energy and Mines is committed to the provision of expanded internet services. The use of corporate services and adherence to government standards are a focus to ensure implementation of these services is based on Best Practices principals.

Business Directions

The ministry is working towards improving the accessibility and timeliness of information to the public and to industry by the use of Internet technology. The Map Selection Project is in the initial stage of development to replace ground staking as the standard method of allocating all mining rights in the Province and will transfer all paper-based transactions to internet technology. Also, initiatives in line with the Government Electronic Initiatives, a program to maximize efficiency of services throughout government using IT, continue to be implemented to improve the efficiency of the ministry operations.

Current Environment

The current technology architecture, which is shared with the Ministry of Competition, Science and Enterprise, is based on a Windows 2000 platform using the MS Office 2000 suite for standard tools. New or upgraded systems are being configured with Windows and Office XP. This is consistent with current government standards.


Proposed strategies include:

  • Ensuring all ministry employees are computer program knowledgeable and use internet and intranet technology;
  • Enhancing the availability of ministry information via internet and intranet technology;
  • Reviewing business processes to ensure services provided are consistent with client’s requirements, and utilizing electronic interfaces where appropriate;
  • Continue to maintain servers and systems at government standard level wherever possible; and,
  • Developing all new multi-user databases according to government standards and ministry requirements.

Progress towards Corporate Standards

The ministry has been highly successful in making progress towards meeting government standards, particularly in the areas of electronic mail, web site standards and desktop office software. All new multi-user databases are to be developed according to Government standards and ministry requirements.

Human Resources Management Plan

Below is a high level overview of the ministry’s human resource management plan.

Goal Objective Strategy Performance
Human Resource Management Services: Provide timely and relevant human resource management services to support the ministry’s mandate and ensure consistency with government-wide standards. Ensure human resource management is consistent with best practices and ensures the ministry has the human resources it needs to achieve its mandate. Provide the full spectrum of human resource management services. Provide same day responses to human resources related inquiries 100% of the time. Achieve a satisfaction rating among managers receiving human resource services of 90%.
Workforce Adjustment:
Ensure redundant and surplus positions are identified and people affected are treated with fairness, consideration and due process.
Implement the workforce adjustment implications of budget reductions. Identify redundant and surplus positions. Identify the succession planning implications due to early retirement and employee movement. Complete the workforce adjustment process.
Performance Management: Provide clear expectations and goals for every employee. Ensure every employee understands their ministry and branch plans and develops personal objectives in support of these. Use a performance management system that monitors and documents employee performance and provides opportunities to develop or enhance employee performance. 100% of employees have an annual performance plan and review by March 15 of each year. 100% of branches complete learning plans by March 31 of each year.


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