Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.
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2003/04 – 2005/06 SERVICE PLAN
Ministry of Energy and Mines

Goals and Core Business Areas

This section of the Service Plan identifies the goals that the ministry expects to achieve to fulfill its vision and mission. It also describes the ministry’s core businesses, and links them to the ministry’s objectives and strategies.

Goals of the Ministry of Energy and Mines

The ministry has three long-term goals for moving towards its vision of being: “the catalyst and facilitator for developing thriving, competitive, safe and environmentally responsible energy and mining resource sectors, and for increasing their contribution to the provincial economy for the benefit of all British Columbians.”

To increase investment in energy and mining resource development in British Columbia: This goal focuses on implementing strategies that will make BC a more globally and regionally competitive investment location, and in so doing increase direct investment in the energy and mining sectors. Strategies will be designed to make investing in BC’s resource sectors more efficient and certain.

To maintain high environmental, and health and safety standards: This goal focuses on ensuring resource exploration and production activities are carried out in accordance with environmental, and health and safety standards.

To be a responsive, adaptable and accountable organization: This goal focuses on developing an organizational structure enabling the ministry to respond to changing business environments, support staff in the delivery of their functions, and be accountable for performance.

Core Businesses of the Ministry of Energy and Mines

The ministry has the following core business areas:

Resource Development: Primary responsibilities include promoting growth and development in the oil and gas industry to maximize the return to the province from those resources. Other responsibilities include conducting geological and geo-chemical surveys to identify areas and geological environments favourable for mineral discoveries, disposes and administers petroleum, natural gas and geothermal resource rights and administers title to provincial mineral and coal resources. Resource Development also undertakes marketing, investor and community relations initiatives to promote the responsible development of BC’s mining and energy resources.

Policy and Legislation: Provides analysis, evaluation, and policy development related to the province’s energy and mining resources. Areas of responsibility include: oil and gas policy, alternative energy development, climate change, electricity policy, mineral exploration and mine development policy, and First Nation’s issues, including consultation and economic development, as well as participation in the oil and gas, and mineral resource sectors. Policy and Legislation is responsible for implementing the government’s new energy policy.

Mining: Provides for the management of the provinces coal, mineral and aggregate resources. Primary responsibilities include the regulation, inspection and enforcement of provincial legislation, regulations and guidelines related to exploration, production, reclamation and long-term post closure activities in order to protect the safety and health of workers, protect the safety of the public, and protect and reclaim the land and watercourses affected by mining activity.

Executive and Support Services: This area supports the Minister’s Office and Deputy Minister’s Office, and through the Ministry of Competition, Science and Enterprise provides financial, personnel, information systems, records management, and information and privacy functions in support of the other core businesses. This core business is also responsible for the Offshore Oil and Gas unit.

Contracts and Funding Arrangements: Approximately 40% of the ministry’s budget consists of fixed costs associated with the Columbia Basin Trust, Resource Revenue Sharing Agreements with First Nations, and the Vancouver Island Gas Pipeline Agreement. These expenditures are made in accordance with statutory agreements or contractual arrangements that are largely outside of the ministry’s control and influence and consequently do not have performance targets associated with them.

British Columbia Utilities Commission: The ministry provides a $1,000 vote for the operation of British Columbia Utilities Commission (BCUC). BCUC is responsible for the regulation of energy utilities under its jurisdiction to ensure rates charged are fair, and that utilities provide safe and reliable services. Costs of the commission are fully recovered from regulated utilities and from other areas such as hearings and project applicants. BCUC prepares its own Service Plan, which is available at http://www.bcuc.com.

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Objectives and Strategies

The following tables identify the ministry’s goals, objectives and strategies.

Goal 1: To Increase Investment in Energy and Mining Resource Development in British Columbia

Core Business
Resource Development Double oil and gas production in BC by 2011. Facilitate infrastructure development to improve access to oil and gas, and mining exploration and development opportunities.

Develop improved knowledge and information base for petroleum geology to identify new energy development opportunities within BC.

Identify, stimulate and facilitate development opportunities for under-explored and unconventional resources, including coal-bed methane.

Resource Development Generate $20 billion of cumulative investment in the oil and gas sector by 2008. Position BC as a fiscally competitive jurisdiction for resource development opportunities.

Implement an external relations strategy to promote and market investment in BC’s energy resources.

Mining, Resource Development, and Policy and Legislation Increase mining exploration and development activity. Complete revision of Mineral Exploration Code to streamline the regulatory process.

Work with industry to identify and implement key components of the mining strategy to stimulate exploration and development.

Provide advice regarding mineral access and development requirements in all land planning initiatives.

Develop and deliver projects to increase opportunities for First Nations in subsurface and resource development.

Enhance mineral title administration by moving toward a map selection system.

Develop public-private partnerships to further the knowledge of mineral geoscience.

Policy and Legislation Stimulate investor interest in BC’s clean energy sectors.

Implement provincial energy policy by 2004/05.

Facilitate the development of BC’s offshore oil and gas resources in a scientifically sound and environmentally sound manner.

Develop and implement a strategy to position BC as a centre of expertise for the development of certain key clean energy technologies.

Complete revisions to pertinent legislation, including: Utilities Commission Act, Columbia Basin Trust Act, BC Hydro and Power Authority Act, and Energy Efficiency Act.

Develop legislation to create a BC Hydro transmission Crown corporation.

Complete further geological work to narrow the scope of potential offshore exploration areas.

Establish mechanisms to include First Nations and coastal communities in offshore development plans.

Develop an offshore oil and gas management regime that may include federal, provincial or joint regulations, legislation and environmental assessment.

Goal 2: To Maintain High Environmental and Health and Safety Standards

Core Business
Mining Maintain high environmental and health and safety standards. Complete site inspections at all mines.

Conduct health and safety inspections at each mine.

Implement risk-based reclamation security guidelines.

  Ensure a high standard of environmental protection with respect to mine sites. Complete site inspections and/or audits at all major mines to ensure compliance with permit conditions and appropriate environmental standards.

Work with industry to establish closure requirements at mine sites that are ceasing operations to ensure practicable, timely and effective reclamation occurs.

Goal 3: To Be a Responsive, Adaptable and Accountable Organization

Core Business
Executive and Support Services Efficient human resource management consistent with best practices. Evaluation of employees against known performance goals and measures.
Resource Development Implement a performance reporting and long-term alternative funding mechanism for new revenue generating projects. Develop and implement performance measures and a quarterly progress report for Treasury Board.

Develop and implement funding model.

Policy and Legislation, Resource Development, Mining Eliminate 33% of the ministry’s regulations by June 2004. Redirect resources to focus on deregulation for the oil and gas, and mining sectors.

Implement measures and enact legislation to eliminate regulations.


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