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Related Initiatives and Planning Processes

Deregulation and Regulatory Reform

The ministry has undertaken significant deregulation and regulatory reform initiatives that aim to ensure British Columbia's regulatory climate enables economic development and recreational activities while maintaining environmental standards. The ministry's achievements to date in the area of deregulation are described above under Goal 4.

Regulatory reform has been and will continue to be undertaken under each core business area as the ministry pursues its shift from prescriptive to results-based approaches to regulation. For example, the enactment of new legislation (e.g., the Integrated Pest Management Act; the Environmental Management Act) and the amendment of existing statutes (e.g., the Water, Land and Air Protection Statutes Amendment Act; the Flood Hazard Statutes Amendment Act) are intended to reduce regulatory burden, clarify responsibilities and make more efficient use of ministry resources. Another three-year plan for regulatory reform has been introduced by the government. Over the next three years, the ministry will continue its review of legislation and regulations (e.g., the Wildlife Act; the Park Act) and measure its progress in delivering this plan using the new targets set in the government's regulatory reform plan. (See Goal 4 above for the new performance measure.)

Overviews of Human Resource Plan and
Information Resource Management Plan

Human Resource Plan

The ministry's Human Resource Plan (its people strategy) outlines the key human resource objectives for the coming year and looks forward to future needs. This plan supports the achievement of the ministry's Service Plan goals and objectives and is aligned with the government-wide Corporate Human Resource Plan. An overview of the ministry's Human Resource Plan is available on the ministry's website at: or

Information Resource Management Plan

The ministry's Information Resource Management Plan identifies the alignment between information management, information technology and the business requirements of the ministry. An overview of the ministry's Information Resource Management Plan is available on the ministry's website at: or


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