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Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection

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Resource Summary

The Resource Summary outlines the ministry's estimated expenditures and FTEs by core business area.

Core Business Areas 2004/05
2005/06 Estimates 2006/07 Plan 2007/08 Plan
Operating Expenses ($000)
Environmental Protection 44,372 46,325 45,985 45,985
Environmental Stewardship 36,246 38,520 38,520 38,520
Park, Fish and Wildlife Recreation 25,275 26,499 26,109 26,109
Compliance Operations 14,582 16,529 17,029 17,529
Executive and
Support Services
22,966 24,048 24,118 24,178
Total2 143,441 151,921 151,761 152,321
Full-time Equivalents (Direct FTEs)
Environmental Protection 270 284 286 288
Environmental Stewardship 265 298 298 298
Park, Fish and
Wildlife Recreation
143 156 156 156
Compliance Operations 129 138 142 146
Executive and
Support Services
117 117 117 117
Total 924 993 999 1,005
Ministry Capital Expenditures (Consolidated Revenue Fund) ($000)
Environmental Protection 222 322 322 322
Environmental Stewardship3 7,206 7,206 42,493 5,390
Park, Fish and
Wildlife Recreation4
11,215 18,615 15,215 11,215
Compliance Operations 57 57 57
Executive and
Support Services
2,500 1,250 1,250 1,250
Total 21,143 27,450 59,337 18,234

1  These amounts have been restated, for comparative purposes only, to be consistent with the addition of the Compliance Operations core business area and the presentation of the 2005/06 Estimates. Schedule A, of the 2005/06 Estimates, presents a detailed reconciliation.
2  Includes expenditures funded from the Sustainable Environment Fund (SEF).
3  Environmental Stewardship capital expenditures include funding increases for the potential costs associated with the creation of parks.
4  Park, Fish and Wildlife Recreation capital expenditures for 2004/05, 2005/06 and 2006/07 include a funding allocation for expenditures associated with the reconstruction of the Myra Canyon trestles.

Environmental Appeal Board and Forest Appeals Commission

The Environmental Appeal Board (Board) and Forest Appeals Commission (Commission) are independent, quasi-judicial tribunals jointly administered by the same office. They hear appeals of government decisions under several provincial statutes concerned with natural resource management, environmental quality and public health protection. The Office of the Environmental Appeal Board and Forest Appeals Commission administers the Hospital Appeal Board and Community Care and Assisted Living Appeal Board for the Ministry of Health Services. Although these agencies operate independently from the ministry, their budget vote is the responsibility of the Minister of Water, Land and Air Protection. Therefore, they are not considered one of the core business areas accountable to the Minister of Water, Land and Air Protection; but they are included in the Resource Summary of this Service Plan.

Environmental Appeal Board and Forest Appeals Commission 2004/05 Restated Estimates1 2005/06 Estimates 2006/07 Plan 2007/08 Plan
Operating Expenses ($000) 1,955 1,955 1,955 1,955
Capital Expenditures (CRF) ($000) 30 15 15 15
Full-time Equivalents (FTE) 11 11 11 11

1  These amounts have been restated, for comparative purposes only, to be consistent with the presentation of the 2005/06 Estimates. Schedule A, of the 2005/06 Estimates, presents a detailed reconciliation.


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