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Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection

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Ministry Overview and Core Business Areas

The mandate of the ministry is to protect and enhance British Columbia's water, land and air in a way that contributes to healthy communities, a sustainable environment, recreational opportunities, and the economic well-being of the province. The ministry relies on five core business areas and more than 900 staff located in all regions of the province to achieve its goals and objectives.

1. Environmental Protection

This core business area is led primarily by the Environmental Protection Division. Key programs and services focus on protecting human health and the environmental quality of water, land and air. Key functions aim at maintaining high environmental standards by: regulating and monitoring industrial and community activities to ensure compliance; promoting sustainable environmental practices in communities through partnerships and education on best management practices; and maintaining a system for air and water quality monitoring and reporting.

2. Environmental Stewardship

This core business area is led primarily by the Environmental Stewardship Division. Key programs and services focus on working with other ministries, industries, communities and governments to establish standards for the use and protection of species and habitats. Key functions focus on shared stewardship and sustainable economic development and are aimed at maintaining and restoring fish and wildlife species and their habitats.

3. Park, Fish and Wildlife Recreation

This core business area is also led primarily by the Environmental Stewardship Division. Key programs and services focus on the provision of recreational opportunities in B.C. parks and protected areas, allocation of natural resources for hunting, angling and wildlife viewing, protecting recreational values and encouraging recreation-linked economic activity. Key functions include enhancing recreational services using an approach informed by science to promote the effective management of fish, wildlife and park resources; providing park, fish and wildlife recreational services and opportunities for British Columbians and others; and establishing legislation, policies and procedures for park, fish and wildlife recreation.

4. Compliance Operations

This core business area provides support to the Environmental Protection Division and the Environmental Stewardship Division. Key programs and services in this business area address a range of compliance-related activities, and include those of the Conservation Officer Service (COS). This area provides education to help citizens be better stewards, promotes understanding of and compliance with regulatory requirements, conducts inspections and, when needed, works within ministry programs on a range of enforcement options.

5. Executive and Support Services

This core business area is led through the Deputy Minister's Office, Strategic Policy Division and Corporate Services Division. Key programs and services in this business area focus on providing effective planning and legislative support to assist core business areas in achieving their objectives.

Resources allocated to core business areas are presented in the following section.


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