2004/05 – 2006/07 SERVICE PLAN
Ministry of Provincial Revenue
Core Business Areas
Tax Administration and Collection
The Ministry provides fair, efficient, professional and equitable
administration of tax, revenue and benefit programs to ensure that
government receives the revenue it is due through compliance with
taxation, energy and forest revenue statutes. Voluntary compliance
is promoted through quality customer service, education and compliance
programs. The Ministry represents British Columbia with the Canada
Revenue Agency with respect to the taxation statutes the Agency
administers on behalf of the province. The Ministry also collects
taxes for other agencies such as the Greater Vancouver Transportation
Authority, Build BC and local governments.
Debt Administration and Collection and Home Owner Grant
The Ministry is the central collector for overdue non-tax debts
owed to the Province. The Ministry provides collection and loan
management services to all government ministries and Crown agencies,
assisting them to collect overdue money owed by individuals or businesses.
It is also the provincial administrator for the Canada Revenue Agency
set-off program.
The Ministry administers the Home Owner Grant Program and ensures
that it is administered in a fair and equitable manner, has the
authority to consider appeals, audits grant claims and recovers
ineligible grants.
Executive and Support Services
The Minister's Office provides support for Ministerial activities
and responsibilities. The Strategic Initiatives and Administration
Division performs corporate functions, such as financial services
and administration, information management and information technology,
corporate policy and planning and performance reporting.
The Ministry provides a central government function to receive
payments, process transactions and deal with inquiries for billing
and payment related issues. This includes payment and data capture;
enquiry/call centre operations; financial account maintenance; and
program transition and internal customer services.
The Ministry reviews tax and revenue-based appeals separately from
the tax revenue and administration function. The appeals branch
core functions include receiving appeals to the Minister; analyzing
the basis for assessments, disallowance of refunds or decisions;
analyzing the grounds for appeal; gathering additional information
and/or documentation; contacting taxpayers to ensure full understanding
of their position; assessing the merits of appeals; making recommendations
to the Minister regarding disposition of appeals and managing litigation
arising from appeals.