Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.
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Minister's Letter  
Accountability Statement  
Strategic Context  
Ministry Overview  
Highlights of Changes from Previous Plans  
Planning Context  
Ministry Goals and Core Business Areas  
Objectives, Strategies, Performance Measures and Targets  
Consistency with Government's Strategic Plan  
Resource Summary  
Summary of Related Planning Processes  
Our Employee Learning Strategy  
Appendix 1 — Summary of Performance Measures  

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2003/04 – 2005/06 SERVICE PLAN
Ministry of Education

Appendix 1. Summary of Performance Measures

A. Student Achievement

  1. Percentage of students meeting or exceeding expectations on Foundation Skills Assessment (Reading, Writing and Numeracy assessment of students in Grades 4, 7 and 10)
  2. School completion rate (Percentage of students who start Grade 8 and graduate from Grade 12 within 6 years)
  3. Grade 8 - 9 transition rate
  4. Percentage of students with a ‘C’ or better in Grade 12 courses
  5. Percentage of Grade 12 students receiving scholarships
  6. British Columbia’s standing on national and international assessments
  7. Percentage of students in agreement with statements reflective of socially responsible behaviour such as community mindedness, valuing diversity, and a sense of self-worth
  8. Percentage of schools whose students report high or very high satisfaction in areas of human and social development
  9. Grade 12 survey participation rate
  10. Percentage of students making transitions to work and/or post-secondary education
  11. Percentage of students that feel their school is helping improve their computer skills

B. Infrastructure

  1. Turn around time for student enrolment data, Foundation Skills Assessment results and satisfaction survey results
  2. Percentage of principals satisfied with school bandwidth, develop a survey with Principals and Vice Principals Association (PVPVA) to obtain baseline for 2002/03
  3. Number of T1 or equivalent connections to schools
  4. Provincially approved curricula will undergo a review for relevance and currency within eight years of the implementation date
  5. Number of visits to ministry Web site to increase by 1,000,000
  6. Number of visitors to ministry Web site to increase
  7. Percentage of superintendents and secretary treasurers who report that the funding system is understandable, transparent and comprehensive
  8. Develop a survey to obtain baseline 2002/03 information on how much time principals and vice-principals spend in classrooms
  9. Proportion of existing buildings with life expectancy less than 10 years

C. Satisfaction

  1. Percentage of students satisfied with their school and education
  2. Percentage of parents satisfied with their child’s school and education
  3. Percentage of school staff satisfied with their school
  4. Increase participation rate of Grade 12 students on satisfaction surveys
  5. Administer satisfaction surveys online

D. Parental Involvement

  1. Percentage of parents who report they can play a meaningful role in their children’s school

E. School Choice

  1. Percentage of parents and students reporting satisfaction with educational choices available to them

F. Deregulation

  1. Percentage of the acts, regulations, policies and policy instruments reviewed, eliminated and/or modified
  2. Stakeholder satisfaction with deregulation

G. Performance-oriented system

  1. Percentage of school districts who have demonstrated and reported improvement on their accountability contract goals
  2. Number of Aboriginal Enhancement Agreements signed
  3. Percentage of parents satisfied with the goals for school improvement set by school planning councils
  4. Develop goals and measures of success for educators in public schools
  5. Percentage of directors with performance management contracts
  6. Phases of corporate human resources plan goals completed

In continuing to improve the performance-oriented focus on the business of the ministry, some measures have been discontinued as outlined below.

The following performance measures have been discontinued:

Measure Rationale
Proportion of deregulation completed. Incorporated into broader measures of “proportion of regulatory requirements reviewed and revised” and “stakeholder satisfaction with deregulation.”
Percentage of ministry staff who feel they are contributing to improving performance in the system. The ministry has refocused the HR strategy in light of the Public Service Renewal initiative. The implementation of the ministry HR plan proves to be a more effective measure.
Percentage of district staff who feel that the ministry is focused on improving student achievement. New legislation introduced in the spring of 2002 gives a clearer understanding of the accountability framework and has led to redefined measures of a performance-oriented system (e.g., accountability contracts, school planning councils).
Percentage of superintendents who have implemented accountability contracts.

Percentage of school boards fulfilling the obligations of their accountability agreements.

Refined to measure outcomes of the spring 2002 legislation rather than compliance with the legislation.


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