Annual Report Appendices

Appendix 1: List of Crowns, Agencies, Boards and Commissions for which the Minister of Finance is the Minister Responsible.


Partnerships BC


Accounting Policy Advisory Committee

Auditor Certification Board

BC Investment Management Board

Financial Institutions Commission

Financial Services Tribunal

Insurance Council of British Columbia

Real Estate Foundation of British Columbia

Real Estate Council of British Columbia

Appendix 2: List of Legislation Administered by the Ministry.

Auditor General

Balanced Budget and Ministerial Accountability


British Columbia Railway Finance

British  Columbia University Loan, 1945

Budget Transparency and Accountability

Business Corporations

Business Number Act except s. 10.1

Capital Financing Authority Repeal and Debt Restructuring

Constitution ss. 25–27

Cooperative Association

Credit Union Incorporation

Creditor Assistance

Financial Administration

Financial Information

Financial Institutions

Industrial Development


Insurance (Captive Company)

Insurance (Marine)

Manufactured Home

Ministerial Accountability Bases, 2004

Ministerial Accountability Bases, 2004-2005

Ministry of Consumer and Corporate Affairs ss. 3 & 4 (a)

Ministry of Intergovernmental Relations s. 3

Miscellaneous Registrations, 1992

Mortgage Brokers

Mutual Fire Insurance Companies

Pacific North Coast Native Cooperative


Pension Agreement

Pension Benefits Standards

Pension Fund Societies

Personal Property Security

Ports Property Tax Act except s. 5

Probate Fee

Public Education Labour Relations

Public Education Support Staff Collective Bargaining Assistance

Public Sector Employers

Public Sector Pension Plans

Public Works Agreement

Real Estate Development Marketing

Real Estate Services

Repairers Lien

Securities (Forged Transfer)


Special Accounts Appropriation and Control Act except ss. 4, 7, 8, 9 & 10 (2) (a) & (b)

Strata Property

Tugboat Worker Lien

Unclaimed Property

Warehouse Lien

Warehouse Receipt

Woodworker Lien

Appendix 3: Table of Changes — 2005/06 Update
Compared to 2006/07

The ministry recognizes that all performance measures reported in the 2005/06 – 2007/08 Service Plan Update September 2005 are important; however, focusing on the most critical aspects of performance allows the ministry to better define its success in achieving its goals and objectives. As a result, the ministry has removed the internally-focused goal "A leader in innovative business and people practices" and a number of performance measures, and refined its remaining goals to create greater focus on fiscal sustainability, competitiveness and accountability. Ministry objectives have been reworded to reflect the revised goals.

2005/06 Goals 2006/07 Goals
Maintain a balanced budget annually. A sustainable fiscal environment built on a balanced budget.
A tax and regulatory climate that supports a strong and vibrant economy. A strong, competitive and vibrant economy.
Effective financial and resource management and reporting. Effective financial, governance, accountability and performance framework.
A leader in innovative business and people practices.  

Eight performance measures have been removed in the 2006/07 – 2008/09 Service Plan, per the table below. These measures will continue to be tracked for internal management purposes.

The following performance measures have been added to the 2006/07 – 2008/09 Service Plan:

  1. Provincial ranking of corporate income tax rates. A competitive tax environment fosters economic growth. Although measuring the overall competitiveness of the system is complex, a comparison of general corporate income tax rates represents a reasonable basis for assessing competitiveness.
  2. Release of Public Accounts by June 30 with an unqualified audit opinion from the Auditor General's Office. This new performance measure combines two separate performance measures reported in the 2005/06 – 2007/08 Service Plan Update September 2005: 1) Full implementation of GAAP and 2) Delivery date for annual Public Accounts.
2005/06 Performance Measures 2006/07 Performance Measures Status
Achieve annual targets for provincial budget. Achieve annual targets for provincial budget. Unchanged.
Debt to GDP ratio. Taxpayer Supported Debt to GDP ratio. Changed to more accurately describe the measure.
Provincial credit rating. Provincial credit rating. Unchanged.
  Provincial ranking of corporate income tax rates. New.
Provincial ranking of personal income tax rates for the bottom two tax brackets. Provincial ranking of personal income tax rates for the bottom two tax brackets. Unchanged.
Debt service costs (Provincial ranking). Debt service costs (Provincial ranking). Unchanged.
Annual savings from self-insurance (five year rolling average). Annual savings from self-insurance (five year rolling average). Unchanged.
Potential average annual benefits realized from utilizing a risk-based approach for post-payment monitoring and Internal Audit and Advisory Services recommendations. Potential average annual benefits realized from utilizing a risk-based approach for post-payment monitoring and Internal Audit and Advisory Services and Activity Based Management recommendations. Changed to more accurately describe the measure.
Percentage of responses to ministerial correspondence within two weeks. Percentage of responses to ministerial correspondence within two weeks. Unchanged.
  Release of public accounts by June 30 with an unqualified audit opinion from the Office of the Auditor General. New.
Shareholder's Letters of Expectations in place or proposed to Responsible Ministers and Chairs for all Crown corporations. Shareholder's Letter of Expectations in place for all applicable Crown corporations. Changed to more accurately describe the measure.
Public sector cost changes over 2002/03 compensation base ($17.43 billion). Public sector cost changes over the 2005/06 compensation base. Changed to more accurately describe the measure.
Provincial ranking of the top personal marginal tax rate.   Deleted — measure will continue to be tracked for internal management purposes.
Number of regulatory requirements.   Deleted — measure will continue to be tracked for internal management purposes.
Percentage annual growth in new business registrations.   Deleted — measure will continue to be tracked for internal management purposes.
Percentage of company incorporations and registrations filed electronically.   Deleted — measure will continue to be tracked for internal management purposes.
Ministry implementation of Enterprise wide Risk Management (Risk Management Maturity Model Rating — 5 point scale).   Deleted — measure will continue to be tracked for internal management purposes.
Stakeholders' satisfaction with the policy framework for financial and procurement management.   Deleted — measure will continue to be tracked for internal management purposes.
Full implementation of GAAP.   Incorporated into new performance measure: Release of public accounts by June 30 with an unqualified audit opinion from the Office of the Auditor General.
Delivery date for annual Public Accounts.   Incorporated into new performance measure: Release of public accounts by June 30 with an unqualified audit opinion from the Office of the Auditor General.
Percentage of staff with a formal Performance Review (e.g., EPDP) in the last year.   Deleted — measure will continue to be tracked for internal management purposes.
Percentage of staff who agree they have adequate opportunities to develop their skills.   Deleted — measure will continue to be tracked for internal management purposes.

Appendix 4: Organizational Changes — 2005/06 Update
Compared to 2006/07

In October 2005, a new Strategic and Corporate Policy Division was created in the ministry. The Division consists of the Tax Policy, Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations, Financial and Corporate Sector Policy and First Nations Fiscal Branches. The Tax Policy Branch, Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations, Financial and Corporate Sector Policy Branch were transferred from other divisions within the Ministry of Finance. The First Nations Fiscal Branch was transferred from the Ministry of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation. The new division provides the ministry with increased capacity to examine several of the key corporate and strategic issues facing the ministry and government including competitiveness, effective regulation, building a new relationship with First Nations and negotiating with the Federal government and other provinces on fiscal relations issues.

Appendix 5: Interprovincial Comparison Statistics
Prepared by Moody's

Taxpayer-supported Debt as a per cent of GDP (Moody's)

Province Taxpayer-supported Debt as a % of GDP1
British Columbia 15.9
Alberta 2.3
Saskatchewan 19.6
Manitoba 23.2
Ontario 26.2
Quebec 43.3
New Brunswick 27.7
Prince Edward Island 32.1
Nova Scotia 34.1
Newfoundland and Labrador 36.2
1  Estimates for March 31, 2006 calculated in May 2006.

Ratio of Taxpayer-supported Debt Service Costs to Taxpayer supported Revenues (Moody's)

Province Ratio of Taxpayer-supported Debt Service Costs to Taxpayer-supported Revenues1
British Columbia 5.3
Alberta 1.1
Saskatchewan 8.4
Manitoba 8.4
Ontario 11.1
Quebec 13.1
New Brunswick 9.8
Prince Edward Island 9.8
Nova Scotia 15.6
Newfoundland and Labrador 11.4
1  Estimates for March 31, 2006 calculated in May 2006.

Comparison of Provincial Credit Ratings (Moody's)

Province Credit Rating Outlook
British Columbia Aa1 stable
Alberta Aaa stable
Saskatchewan Aa2 stable
Manitoba Aa2 stable
Ontario Aa2 stable
Quebec Aa3 stable
New Brunswick Aa3 stable
Prince Edward Island A1 stable
Nova Scotia A2 positive
Newfoundland and Labrador A2 stable

Moody's rating classification, highest to lowest, is as follows:

  • Aaa
  • Aa1
  • Aa2
  • Aa3
  • A1
  • A2
  • A3

Appendix 6: 2005/06 and 2004/05 Comparative Financial Information

Core Business Areas Estimated Other Authorizations Total 05/06 Estimated Total 04/05 Estimated Variance from 04/05 Estimated
Operating Expenses ($000)
Crown Agencies Secretariat  1,497   1,497 2,124 (627)
Financial and Economic Performance and Analysis  6,415   6,415 5,946 469
Financial Governance, Accounting and Reporting  6,721   6,721 6,313 408
Treasury  1   1 1 0
Financial and Corporate Sector Services  1,565   1,565 4,236 (2,671)
Public Sector Employer's Council  14,596   14,596 14,693 (97)
Executive and Support Services  15,776 2,400 18,176 14,801 3,375
Contingencies (All Ministries) and New Programs 320,000        
Transfer to Ministries   (289,711) 30,289   30,289
Negotiating Framework Incentive   1,000,000 1,000,000   1,000,000
Total  366,571 712,689 1,079,260 48,114 1,031,146
Full-time Equivalents (FTEs)
Crown Agencies Secretariat  10   10 14 (4)
Financial and Economic Performance and Analysis  65   65 63 2
Financial Governance, Accounting and Reporting  117   117 117 0
Treasury  74   74 74 0
Financial and Corporate Sector Services  144   144 148 (4)
Public Sector Employer's Council  13   13 13 0
Executive and Support Services  145   145 99 46
Total  568   568 528 40
Ministry Capital Expenditures (Consolidated Revenue Fund) ($000)
Crown Agencies Secretariat  18   18 18 0
Financial and Economic Performance and Analysis  45   45 45 0
Financial Governance, Accounting and Reporting  215   215 215 0
Treasury  1,631   1,631 2,032 (401)
Financial and Corporate Sector Services  2,604   2,604 2,301 303
Public Sector Employer's Council  3   3 98 (95)
Executive and Support Services  1,036   1,036 830 206
Total  5,552   5,552 5,539 13
Insurance and Risk Management (IRMA) Estimated Other Authorizations Total 05/06 Estimated Total 04/05 Estimated Variance from 04/05 Estimated
Operating Expenses ($000)  0 0 0 0 0
FTEs  46 0 46 43 3
Ministry Capital Expenditures ($000)  20 0 20 725 (705)
1  Estimates as presented to the Legislative Assembly on September 14, 2005.
2  "Other Authorizations" includes $2.4 million access to Contingencies for repairs and maintenance to Government House.
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