Ministry 2003/04 Annual Service Plan Report - Government of British Columbia.
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Message from the Ministers  
Accountability Statement  
Year-at-a-Glance Highlights  
Ministry Role and Services  
Performance Reporting  
Report on Resources  
Appendix A: Glossary of District Ministry Terms and Acronyms Used  
Appendix B: Legislation Administered by the Ministry  
Appendix C: Regional Offices/Contacts  
Appendix D: Organizational Structure — March 2004  

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Performance Reporting

Summary of Performance

  • There were 24 original performance measures in the service plan. Amendments during the year reduced the number of performance measures to 21.
  • Eighteen out of the remaining 21 performance targets were either achieved or are on track to meet a 2004/05 performance target (where there was no amended target for 2003/04). This amounts to an overall achievement rate of 86 per cent.
  • Of the three performance targets not achieved in 2003/04, one was almost achieved (89 per cent of target). If this is included, the overall achievement rate is raised to 90 per cent.
  • These results are an improvement over last year's 81 per cent achievement rate.
  • Six of the nine amendments affected the ministry's performance rating. Of these:
    • four were driven by external factors beyond the ministry's control
    • one was partially driven by external factors, and
    • one was the dropping of a performance measure because of overlap with another measure.

Table 3. Performance Measures Achieved and Amended

Results for Original Performance Measures   Amendments of Measures and/or Targets
Number of Original Measures and Targets Number of Amended Measures and/or Targets
  • 15 achieved
13 2
  • 3 on track for 2004/05 target
1 2
  • 3 not achieved
1 2
  • 3 dropped
  • 24 in total
  18 6

Overview of Ministry Goals

In 2003/04, the ministry pursued four goals in order to fulfill its mission and vision. The ministry's external services were provided through Goals 1, 2, and 3. Goal 4 (organizational excellence) supports and ties together the first three goals. The Performance Reporting section provides details on progress made towards achievement of each goal.

Goal 1: Sustainable economic development of land and resources

Supporting resource-based sustainable development and diversification through land and resource planning decisions, increased First Nations' economic participation, and improved frameworks for balancing resource management decisions while maintaining environmental integrity.

The ministry contributed to economic development opportunities over the year by working with other ministries, First Nations, local government and other stakeholders to provide provincial, regional and sub-regional guidance in a variety of plans, sector strategies, policies and processes. Such planning helps ensure that resource management decisions take into account the needs of communities, the economy and the environment, both now and in the future. These planning processes will enable the province to increase certainty in resource allocation, attract investment and realize resource-based economic opportunities that will benefit all British Columbians. Consensus has been reached at LRMP planning tables for the Central Coast, Morice and Sea-to-Sky areas of the province, and an additional 24 (46 per cent of total) high-priority SRMPs were completed by March 2004.

The 2003/04 – 2005/06 Service Plan identified six key strategies that the ministry is pursuing in collaboration with other natural resource ministries. Most of the key strategies are supported by the work done under all three objectives in Goal 1. Good progress is being made on all of the key strategies.

Goal 1 operating expenditures were $26.0 million, 29 per cent of the ministry total. This represents an 18 per cent decrease for this goal in 2002/03. Actual expenditures were greater than planned on Objective 1 (LRMPs) and less than planned on Objectives 2 and 3.

Goal 2: Effective delivery of integrated, science-based land, resource and geographic information

Integrated land and resource information supporting ministry and client activities related to economic development, land-use planning, sustainability and e-government services.

Land Information BC is the overarching initiative that will deliver this goal through improvement of information content and access, and business process support. Achievement of this goal will result in timely, well-informed land- and resource-use decisions by the public and private sectors. This in turn should enhance certainty of access to British Columbia's resources, improve the identification of investment opportunities, and lower costs to the private sector and government. The ministry has a lead role in providing such services.

Goal 2 operating expenditures were $58.4 million, 66 per cent of the ministry total. Actual expenditures on land titles under Objective 2 were greater than planned, but expenditures under Objective 1 (particularly loading data into the land and resource data warehouse) and Objective 3 (particularly development of large partnerships) were less than planned.

Goal 3: Sound governance of land and resource management

Principles, policies and legislation to guide sustainable resource management.

The ministry is striving to produce principles, policies and legislation that are clear, stable and focused on strategic, performance-based regulation; on finding an acceptable balance between development and the maintenance of ecosystem integrity; and on supporting decision-makers in government and business. These are helping to deliver investment and jobs while maintaining key environmental values.

Goal 3 operating expenditures were $2.8 million, 3.2 per cent of the ministry total. The 2003/04 operating expenditure represents a 44 per cent increase from the previous year. Funding was increased due to the addition of the Contaminated Sites Program.

Goal 4: Organizational excellence

Demonstrated visionary leadership and continuous improvement through performance-focused staff as well as accountability and transparency to the public.

Goal 4 operating expenditures were $1.9 million, 2.1 per cent of the ministry total. This was a 45 per cent decrease from last year and resulted largely from reductions in training expenditures. (This reduction was partially offset by training accessed from central government services)

Report on Results

This section reports the progress made by the ministry on its objectives under each ministry goal through its performance measures and accomplishments. The principal strategies supporting each objective are also listed.

Table 4 provides a key to the descriptions used for:

  • progress on each of the strategies, and
  • performance under each of the measures.

Table 4. Key to Status Descriptions of Strategies and Performance Measures

Strategies: Implementation Status Performance Measures: Assessment Against Target
Completed. The strategy was completed in 2003/04. Achieved. 2003/04 target met (original or amended as indicated in explanation of variance).
Ongoing. The strategy is now part of the ongoing operational strategies of the ministry. On track. No 2003/04 target, and adequate progress was made towards meeting the target in a later year (original or amended).
Underway. The strategy is being pursued under the ministry's 2004/05 – 2006/07 service plan. Not achieved. The 2003/04 performance did not meet the 2003/04 target or was not on track to meet a 2004/05 target (original or amended).
Modified. The strategy's focus was changed during 2003/04. Dropped. The performance measure was eliminated because it was combined with another, or the activities being measured were transferred to another agency.

With respect to the principal strategies listed under each objective, all are considered ongoing unless otherwise noted.


Goal 1: Sustainable economic development of land and resources



Goal 2: Effective delivery of integrated, science-based land, resource and geographic information



Goal 3: Sound governance of land and resource management



Goal 4: Organizational excellence



The ministry has nearly achieved its New Era commitment to cut red tape and reduce the regulatory burden as part of its three-year deregulation plan. As reported on page 46, the ministry achieved a 24.1 per cent reduction in the number of regulatory requirements relative to its June 2001 base. This was well ahead of its 19.2 per cent target for the fiscal. It represented a 12 percentage point reduction in the year, equivalent to the whole of the reduction to the end of the previous fiscal year. The ministry is confident that its 30 per cent deregulation target will be exceeded by June 2004.


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