Goal 4: Organizational excellence
Core Business Area: Executive and Support Services
Objective 1: Demonstrated visionary leadership and continuous improvement
Good progress has been made with introduction of 360-degree assessments for executives and a continued focus on employee performance and development planning as well as leadership and competency development.
Principal Strategies:
- Support staff participation in leadership and renewal activities;
- Support staff development of core competencies;
- Develop succession plans for critical positions;
- Involve staff in discussions on what the ministry is doing and why, and how their activities link to government priorities; and
- On a quarterly basis, review and ensure that plans and actions of all staff are focused to achieve ministry priorities.
Performance Measures |
2003/04 Target |
2003/04 Actual |
Explanation of Variance |
• Percentage of staff who have entered an Employee Performance and Development Plan cycle |
• 100% of staff have entered the cycle by end of 2003/04 |
• 89% |
Not achieved. Organizational changes, workforce adjustment activities and urgent pressures have resulted in slower progress in some areas. |
• Percentage of staff who receive 360-degree feedback |
Amended Target1:
• 100% of executive by end of 2003/04 |
• 100% |
• Executive decision to limit the application of 360-degree feedback to executive, based on government direction to all ministries to ensure roll-out to an equivalent management level in all branches
• Performance target to be rewritten |
• Annual survey of clients to determine whether they understand what the ministry is trying to achieve and whether the ministry is doing it in the most efficient and effective way |
Amended Target2:
• Measure dropped because it duplicated survey activity under Goal 2 and because of government direction to minimize survey activity because of respondent fatigue |
Dropped |
The first two performance measures were used to confirm commitment to a performance management culture across the ministry through Employee Performance and Development Plan and executive use of 360-degree feedback.
- Implemented a 360-degree assessment and feedback process for executive staff.
- Announced a pilot mentoring program related to succession planning and competency development in March 2004. The program is intended to commence April 2004.
- Accessed over $309,000 of corporately-funded leadership, training and development courses through Learning Services.
- Provided employees with ongoing and regular communication related to the service plan, budget and ministry priorities and activities.
Objective 2: Performance-focused staff
The ministry made good progress in continuing the focus on employee performance and development planning, with both targets under this objective having been achieved.
Principal Strategies:
- Develop an employee-orientation program that focuses on direction, mandate and key services;
- Introduce 360-degree feedback to employees;
- Ensure that staff have Employee Performance and Development Plans in place ;
- Implement rewards and recognition program; and
- Ensure that staff understand the value of ministry achievements and how they contribute to ministry success.
Note: The first strategy has been completed and the remainder are ongoing.
Performance Measures |
2003/04 Target |
2003/04 Actual |
Explanation of Variance |
• Percentage of staff who have entered an Employee Performance and Development Plan cycle and meet or exceed performance goals |
• 80% of staff who have entered an Employee Performance and Development Plan cycle act on feedback to improve performance by end of 2003/04 |
• 98% |
Achieved |
• Percentage of staff who receive 360-degree feedback |
• 100% of executive act on 360-degree feedback by end of 2003/04 to improve performance |
• 100% |
Achieved |
These performance measures were used to gauge the progress of promoting a performance management culture across the ministry through Employee Performance and Development Plans and executive use of 360-degree feedback.
- A staff coalition was formed to develop an employee orientation program.
- Employee recognition activity included Long Service Awards, Minister's Awards and recognition under the Staff Appreciation and Awards recognition program.
- Provided employees with ongoing and regular communication related to the service plan, budget and ministry priorities and activities.
Objective 3: Accountability and transparency to the public
The ministry has successfully entered into numerous service-level agreements with outside agencies that will result in cost-effective shared services and clear accountabilities.
Principal Strategies:
- Efficient use of public funds through shared services;
- Provide clear and easy access to ministry services;
- Clear assignment of ministry priorities and resources with government priorities; and
- Clear accountabilities and ownership at all levels.
Performance Measure |
2003/04 Target |
2003/04 Actual |
Explanation of Variance |
• Services acquired at levels and costs specified in service-level agreements for shared and consolidated services |
• Service level agreements in place by the end of 2003/04 |
• Ministry has signed service-level agreements or schedules for shared and/or consolidated services with BC Building Corporation, Solutions BC and BC Public Service Agency |
Achieved |
This performance measure and target were used to keep track of the number of service level agreements that were entered into by the ministry.