Ministry 2003/04 Annual Service Plan Report - Government of British Columbia.

Goal 4: Organizational excellence

Core Business Area: Executive and Support Services

Objective 1: Demonstrated visionary leadership and continuous improvement

Good progress has been made with introduction of 360-degree assessments for executives and a continued focus on employee performance and development planning as well as leadership and competency development.

Principal Strategies:

  • Support staff participation in leadership and renewal activities;
  • Support staff development of core competencies;
  • Develop succession plans for critical positions;
  • Involve staff in discussions on what the ministry is doing and why, and how their activities link to government priorities; and
  • On a quarterly basis, review and ensure that plans and actions of all staff are focused to achieve ministry priorities.

Performance Measures 2003/04 Target 2003/04 Actual Explanation of Variance
• Percentage of staff who have entered an Employee Performance and Development Plan cycle • 100% of staff have entered the cycle by end of 2003/04 • 89% Not achieved. Organizational changes, workforce adjustment activities and urgent pressures have resulted in slower progress in some areas.
• Percentage of staff who receive 360-degree feedback

Amended Target1:

• 100% of executive by end of 2003/04

• 100%


• Executive decision to limit the application of 360-degree feedback to executive, based on government direction to all ministries to ensure roll-out to an equivalent management level in all branches

• Performance target to be rewritten

• Annual survey of clients to determine whether they understand what the ministry is trying to achieve and whether the ministry is doing it in the most efficient and effective way

Amended Target2:

• Measure dropped because it duplicated survey activity under Goal 2 and because of government direction to minimize survey activity because of respondent fatigue


Original target: "100% of senior management staff by end of 2003/04."

Original target: "Client survey conducted, ministry benchmark established and future targets set by end of 2003/04."

The first two performance measures were used to confirm commitment to a performance management culture across the ministry through Employee Performance and Development Plan and executive use of 360-degree feedback.


  • Implemented a 360-degree assessment and feedback process for executive staff.
  • Announced a pilot mentoring program related to succession planning and competency development in March 2004. The program is intended to commence April 2004.
  • Accessed over $309,000 of corporately-funded leadership, training and development courses through Learning Services.
  • Provided employees with ongoing and regular communication related to the service plan, budget and ministry priorities and activities.

Objective 2: Performance-focused staff

The ministry made good progress in continuing the focus on employee performance and development planning, with both targets under this objective having been achieved.

Principal Strategies:

  • Develop an employee-orientation program that focuses on direction, mandate and key services;
  • Introduce 360-degree feedback to employees;
  • Ensure that staff have Employee Performance and Development Plans in place ;
  • Implement rewards and recognition program; and
  • Ensure that staff understand the value of ministry achievements and how they contribute to ministry success.

Note: The first strategy has been completed and the remainder are ongoing.

Performance Measures 2003/04 Target 2003/04 Actual Explanation of Variance
• Percentage of staff who have entered an Employee Performance and Development Plan cycle and meet or exceed performance goals • 80% of staff who have entered an Employee Performance and Development Plan cycle act on feedback to improve performance by end of 2003/04 • 98% Achieved
• Percentage of staff who receive 360-degree feedback • 100% of executive act on 360-degree feedback by end of 2003/04 to improve performance • 100% Achieved

These performance measures were used to gauge the progress of promoting a performance management culture across the ministry through Employee Performance and Development Plans and executive use of 360-degree feedback.


  • A staff coalition was formed to develop an employee orientation program.
  • Employee recognition activity included Long Service Awards, Minister's Awards and recognition under the Staff Appreciation and Awards recognition program.
  • Provided employees with ongoing and regular communication related to the service plan, budget and ministry priorities and activities.

Objective 3: Accountability and transparency to the public

The ministry has successfully entered into numerous service-level agreements with outside agencies that will result in cost-effective shared services and clear accountabilities.

Principal Strategies:

  • Efficient use of public funds through shared services;
  • Provide clear and easy access to ministry services;
  • Clear assignment of ministry priorities and resources with government priorities; and
  • Clear accountabilities and ownership at all levels.
Performance Measure 2003/04 Target 2003/04 Actual Explanation of Variance
• Services acquired at levels and costs specified in service-level agreements for shared and consolidated services • Service level agreements in place by the end of 2003/04 • Ministry has signed service-level agreements or schedules for shared and/or consolidated services with BC Building Corporation, Solutions BC and BC Public Service Agency Achieved

This performance measure and target were used to keep track of the number of service level agreements that were entered into by the ministry.


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