2003/04 Annual Service Plan Report
Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management
Appendix A: Glossary of Distinct Ministry Terms and Acronyms Used
ALC: Agricultural Land Commission.
BTAA: Budget Transparency and Accountability Act (as amended in August 2001).
Cadastre, Cadastral: The term "cadastre" and the adjective "cadastral" refer to a register, survey or map of lands as a basis for taxation. Cadastral data or information is essentially the information that enables the accurate depiction of a legal survey on a map. Together, all of this information is called cadastral fabric. The system that manages this information for the province is the Cadastral Data Management System (CDMS).
CIT: Coast Information Team.
CLRG: Corporate Land and Resource Governance division.
CSD: Corporate Services Division.
DMCNRE: Deputy Minister's Committee on Natural Resources and the Economy.
EAO: Environmental Assessment Office.
EFS: Electronic Filing System.
EPDP: Employee Performance Development Plan.
FTE: Full-time equivalent.
GDP: Gross domestic product.
Integrated Cadastral Information Society (ICI): A not-for-profit society at the centre of a unique partnership struck by the ministry, six utility companies and the local governments of B.C. to collectively reduce property mapping costs and create new value in an integrated property map product that combines provincial Crown land and private parcels.
LISD: Land Information Services Division.
LWBC: Land and Water British Columbia Inc.
LRDW: Land and Resource Data Warehouse.
LRMP: Land and Resource Management Plan, is a strategic, multi-agency, integrated resource plan at the sub-regional level.
MSRM: Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management.
MWLAP: Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection.
Partnership Management Framework: A strategy and supporting policies, procedures and reporting requirements that ensures that the ministry's pursuit of partnerships for cost recovery and cost reduction advance the public interest.
RISC: The Resource Information Standards Committee is responsible for establishing standards for natural and cultural resource inventories, including collection, storage, analysis, interpretation and reporting of inventory data.
RMD: Resource Management Division.
SRMP: A sustainable resource management plan produced as a result of the SRM Planning process described below.
Sustainable Resource Management Planning (SRM Planning): The consolidated approach of the Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management to planning at the landscape level on provincial Crown lands. SRM Planning will allow the ministry to implement land-use plans; identify economic opportunities; support efficient, sustainable development; and conserve environmental values.
TNO: Treaty Negotiations Office; part of the Ministry of Attorney General.
TRIM: The name for the BC base mapping program, and the acronym is derived from terrain resource information management.