Ministry 2003/04 Annual Service Plan Report - Government of British Columbia.

Goal 1: Sustainable economic development of land and resources

Core Business Area: Sustainable Economic Development

Objective 1: Land- and resource-use decisions that enable sustainable economic development, contribute to more diversified resource-based communities and promote environmental stewardship

Under this objective, completion of LRMP planning tables was delayed for several reasons, but these are now on track for their amended targets. Other performance targets were met.

Principal Strategies:

  • Complete priority land- and resource-use plans to facilitate sustainable development, including Land and Resource Management Plans (LRMP), Sustainable Resource Management Plans (SRMP), coastal plans and pre-tenure plans;
  • Complete and support implementation of the Central Coast Strategy (including consideration of ecosystem-based management);
  • Establish landscape objectives to meet the requirements of the Results-Based Code and thereby to maintain and support forest industry competitiveness;
  • Use sector strategies (mining, oil and gas, tourism, agriculture) to help establish land-use planning priorities that support government's overall economic strategy;
  • Identify and facilitate the development of opportunities to increase economic activity resulting from Crown land and resource use;
  • Identify and facilitate the development of resource-based tourism opportunities and a Crown land recreation strategy in collaboration with the Ministry of Competition, Science and Enterprise, Land and Water BC Inc., the Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection, and other stakeholders; and
  • Establish and work with government/client teams in each region to identify resource-based economic opportunities supported by resource-use plans and information.

Note: The strategies concerning resource-based tourism and government/client teams were modified:

  • The Tourism and Recreation Branch budget and FTEs were transferred to the Ministry of Small Business and Economic development. While the lead for tourism was transferred, tourism and recreation planning continues to be included in "integrated" land-use planning projects. In addition, the ministry is supporting the newly appointed Minister of State for Resort Development. Likewise, Land and Water BC Inc. continues to have responsibility for issuance of commercial recreation tenures to support tourism sector growth.
  • Government/client teams have been developed on an ad hoc basis to support specific planning initiatives, such as Eight Peaks and Southern Rocky Mountain Resource Management Plans.

Performance Measures 2003/04 Target 2003/04 Actual Explanation of Variance

• Specified LRMPs that satisfy sustainability principles, completed1 by target dates

Amended Targets2:

• Central Coast completion date set for April 30, 2004

• North Coast, Sea-to-Sky, and Morice LRMPs completed by April 30, 2004

• Central Coast planning table deliberations completed December 31, 2003

• North Coast planning table reached agreement in principle March 31, 2004

• Sea-to-Sky planning table deliberations substantially completed March 31, 2004

• Morice plan completed March 31, 2004

Not achieved

• Target completion dates for the Central Coast and North Coast LRMPs were amended to April 30, 2004 to allow for delays in provision of information by an independent science team

• All but North Coast and Sea-to-Sky on track for amended target date. While these tables reported by the end of the fiscal, they requested more time to complete their plan documentation

• Provincial government to First Nations government negotiations are to occur before approval of each LRMP

• Haida Gwaii/Queen Charlotte Islands Land Use Plan planning forum work to be done by November 30, 2004

• Haida Gwaii/Queen Charlotte Islands plan entered first stage of plan preparations on March 31, 2004

• Haida Gwaii/Queen Charlotte Islands plan initiation delayed in consultation with Haida

• Percentage of high-priority SRMPs completed, including objectives to support the Results-Based Code

• 45% completed by end of 2003/04

• 46% of high-priority plans completed by end of 2003/04


• Specific achievements with respect to socio-economic and/or environmental benefits resulting from identifying and developing specific Crown land-use opportunities (e.g., tourism projects)

Amended target3:

Complete opportunity-based land-use plans to increase regional investment and develop at least $10M capital investment and 50 jobs over 5 years

• Identify at least 1,000 hectares of new land available for sale/tenure by Land and Water BC Inc.

• Amend Crown land access policies that will double the number of applicants seeking to acquire land for agricultural development

• Eight Peaks SRMP completed, enabling regional investment of over $21M and 100 jobs over 5 years

• Canoe Mountain resort project launched with the ministry's support, and is expected to result in millions of dollars of capital investment as well as 165 full-time and at least 150 part-time jobs

• 1,200 hectares of new land available for sale/tenure by Land and Water BC Inc. in the South Okanagan as a result of the Okanagan/Similkameen Land Act review project

• Extensive Agriculture Program eligibility criteria amended to ease access for applicants to acquire land for agricultural development

Achieved amended target

"Completed" refers here to the completion of LRMP planning table deliberations.

Original targets:
• "Central Coast interim planning measures by June 30, 2003 and completion of government to government negotiations with First Nations by December 2003."
• "North Coast, Haida Gwaii/Queen Charlotte Islands, Sea-to-Sky, and Morice LRMP's completed by end of 2003/04."
• "Atlin-Taku LRMP completed by end of 2004/05 (under review)." Largely because of resource constraints, the scale, nature and timing of the Atlin-Taku plan project remains under review.

3  Original target: "Baseline and targets to be developed by end of 2003/04."

The completion of land-use plans and the identification of land-use opportunities are important as performance measures for this objective because both provide significant information to investors and others wishing to access the province's resources and will thus contribute major socio-economic and/or environmental benefits for the province. They also contribute directly to measuring success under strategic actions in the government's strategic plan.


Land- and resource-use plans

  • The Eight Peaks Sustainable Resource Management Plan was completed in June 2003 and the Southern Rocky Mountains Management Plan was approved in August 2003. The Eight Peaks plan clears the way for a potential capital investment in expanded ski operations of more than $21 million, while the Southern Rocky Mountains plan creates a stable investment climate in the Kootenays that will encourage sustainable economic development.
  • The Kyuoquot Sound Coastal Plan was completed in May 2003 and the Cortes Island Shellfish Plan was released in July 2003. The plans identify additional opportunities for salmon farming and shellfish development. They also emphasize conservation, community and marine values.
  • The Central Coast LRMP planning table reached consensus, the Morice plan was completed and the North Coast and Sea-to-Sky plans were substantially completed by March 31, 2004. These plans will accelerate the access of all sectors to natural resources in these areas. Completion of the Sea-to-Sky LRMP will also be one of the critical factors required for the commencement of construction of the new Sea-to-Sky highway in time for the 2010 Winter Olympics and Paralympics.
  • The Haida Gwaii/Queen Charlotte Islands land-use plan was initiated in 2003/04.

(See also sector-specific comments below regarding pre-tenure plans, access strategies and economic opportunity studies.)


  • The ministry supported the successful launching of the Canoe Mountain resort project by developing land-use objectives that resolved a conflict between forests and tourism over timber harvesting and viewscape requirements. This resort will create 165 full-time jobs and 150 – 300 part-time jobs and inject hundreds of millions of dollars into B.C.'s economy.
  • The Eight Peaks Sustainable Resource Management Plan fulfills a throne-speech goal to double B.C.'s tourism industry revenues by 2010. Eight Peaks was one of the regions identified in the throne speech with unmatched potential.


  • Forty-six per cent of the priority Sustainable Resource Management Plans (SRMP) and resource targets containing key biodiversity objectives required to support the Results-Based Code (under the Forest and Range Practices Act) were completed by the end of 2003/04. All SRMPs will be completed by the end of 2005/06. These plans will provide the forestry sector with certainty of access, maintain environmental protection and therefore secure access to international markets for forest products, and in specific cases enable an increase in the annual allowable cut.
  • A framework for ecosystem-based management of forest resources is being considered as part of the Central and North Coast LRMP table recommendations to government. This is aimed at protecting the environmental integrity of the ecosystems on the Central and North Coasts while maintaining access to international markets through avoidance of market campaigns.

Energy development

  • Two pre-tenure plans (Halfway-Graham and part of Muskwa-West) were completed in the Muskwa-Kechika Management Area, opening up about 330,000 hectares to oil and gas development in Northeast B.C. A further three pre-tenure plans were substantially completed in this area (Besa-Prophet, the remainder of Muskwa-West and Sulphur/8 Mile), which will lift the total area available for oil and gas development to around 660,000 hectares. For more information, see

Objective 2: Increased economic benefits resulting from First Nations' participation in land and resource-based activities

Good progress has been made under this objective with respect to completing action plans designed to improve First Nations economic participation, increasing the number of business opportunity agreements with First Nations, and increasing the value of economic activity resulting from projects with First Nations.

Principal Strategies:

  • Promote initiatives that improve economic development and resource management opportunities for First Nations; and
  • Develop agreements with First Nations that promote stewardship and economic development.
Performance Measure 2003/04 Target 2003/04 Actual Explanation of Variance

• Completion of action plans for First Nations' involvement in resource-based economic development in each region

• Action plans by end of 2003/04

• 23 action plans were completed to improve First Nations economic participation in:

• shellfish aquaculture

• tourism and resort lodges

• forestry and botanical forest products

• secondary businesses

• spawn-on-kelp

• independent power production

• Number and significance of new agreements with First Nations Amended Target1:

• At least 5 new business opportunities identified through agreements and acted upon by First Nations

• 5 new business ventures and/or partnerships were created through:

• Gitga'at Nation Tourism Development Study

• Gitga'at Nation — Forestry EBM

• Massett Village — Cultural Complex

• Gwaii Tourism Development Strategy

• Tribal Council Ecosystem Based Forestry Management Trial

• As well, the Aquaculture LOU with Turning Point member nations has identified 18 pilot test site shellfish farms

• Value of economic activity resulting from selected projects with First Nations Amended Target2:

• Undertake at least 5 projects with First Nations, which leverage at least $250,000 investment from other sources

Over $7 million in investment was leveraged through ministry agreements with First Nations, including:

• $6.6 million leveraged by the 23 First Nations' action plans noted above

• $275,000 leveraged through the Shellfish Aquaculture LOU with Turning Point member nations

• $75,000 by the Tourism LOU with Turning Point member nations

• $30,000 by the Haida Tribal Society Tourism Development Strategy

• $145,000 by the Old Massett Village — Cultural complex

• $60,000 by the Tourism Sliammon agreement


Original target: "Measure and target to be developed by end of 2003/04."

Original target: "Measure and target to be developed by end of 2003/04."

These performance measures indicate the number, value and location of investment opportunities where cooperation between government and First Nations can result in economic, social and environmental benefits for all.


  • The ministry is working with several partner agencies to support greater First Nations participation in the province's resource-based economy. Outcomes generally include partnerships between companies and First Nations, building First Nations capacity to support the development of resource opportunities and investment.
  • A framework agreement was signed with the Haida Nation to co-manage land-use planning on Haida Gwai/Queen Charlotte Islands.
  • The ministry managed economic measures agreements with First Nations totalling $438,000.
  • Projects funded included a regional strategy for shellfish development with the Wuikinuxv, Heiltsuk, Kitasoo, Haisla, Masset and Skidegate First Nations, and the Hanson Island Management Agreement between the Province and the Kwakiutl District Council, Musgamagw Tsawataineuk Tribal Council and Tlowitsis First Nation.

Objective 3: Sustainable development based on frameworks that support balanced resource-based management decisions

The ministry has made good progress towards achieving this objective despite ongoing policy development with the Working Forest Initiative. Success has been achieved in the completion of Crown land access strategies and socio-economic and environmental risk assessment guidelines to support LRMP planning.

Principal Strategies:

  • Implement the Working Forest Initiative and associated resource access targets;
  • Develop policy to improve access to Crown land and resources;
  • Support academia, First Nations, industry and other agencies in improving science-based decisions on land use and resource management; and
  • Develop and refine socio-economic and environmental assessment tools to inform land and resource planning decisions.
Performance Measure 2003/04 Target 2003/04 Actual Explanation of Variance

• Provision of tools and policy that support balanced decision-making

Amended Target1:
• Working Forest policy and associated resource targets substantially implemented by December 31, 2004

• Enabling legislation for the Working Forest received Royal Assent in November 2003; substantial implementation of resource targets to be achieved by December 31, 2004

On track for amended target.
Ongoing work to clarify and finalize the policy is taking longer than anticipated.

• Socio-economic and environmental analysis tools to support all levels of planning completed for all LRMPs by end of 2003/04

• Socio-Economic and Environmental Risk Assessment Guidelines completed

Amended Target2:
• Ecosystem-based management framework developed by June 2004 as part of overall negotiations of the Central and North Coast LRMPs

• Ecosystem-based management framework expected to be developed by June 30, 2004

On track for amended target. Target amended because the ecosystem-based management framework is being developed as part of the table recommendations of the Central and North Coast LRMPs, and these plans have been delayed.

Original target: "Working Forest policy and associated resource targets implemented by end of 2003/04."

Original target: "Eco-system based management framework developed by end of 2003/04."

This broad performance measure was used to allow the inclusion and progress of specific targets in the form of policies, guidelines and frameworks, all of which will support balanced, resource-based decision-making.


  • The Working Forest Initiative is well advanced. Consultations were completed and the enabling legislation, the Land Amendment Act, 2003 (Bill 46), received Royal Assent in November 2003. The Working Forest Initiative is on track to be designated in 2004.
  • Completed a Crown land access strategy for subsurface resources (minerals, oil and gas). These strategies provide ministry guidance as to the priority areas for action to create greater access to Crown lands and resources. The subsurface strategy is supporting the Ministry of Energy and Mines' implementation of the "two-zone" strategy for mining sector access to B.C. resources.
  • Completed a Crown land access strategy for the agriculture sector. The Extensive Agriculture Program was amended in November 2003 to reduce barriers to agricultural access and development of Crown land. These changes will attract investment, encourage business and economic opportunities and provide new jobs in agriculture in rural British Columbia.


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