Related Initiatives and Planning Processes

Regulatory Reform

The Ministry of Community Services is committed to maintaining a zero per cent increase in regulation over the next three years. It will do this by ensuring that any proposed new regulatory requirements are assessed against this target and are in keeping with the goals of regulatory reform.

The ministry recognizes that regulatory reform is more than just deregulation. It will continue to review its legislation and regulations, looking for opportunities for streamlining and modernization. The ministry is also involved in a number of cross ministry initiatives that are looking at ways to harmonize and streamline municipal and provincial approval processes.

Over the next three years, the ministry will be undertaking the following regulatory reform reviews:

  • Review of regulations under the Local Government Act.
  • Review of the Province’s role in approving local government bylaws and other actions.

Overview of Information Resource Management Plan

The ministry Information Resource Management Plan overview is available on the ministry website at:

Citizen-Centred Service Delivery

The ministry is committed to providing responsive, quality service to British Columbians. To this end, it provides information, advice, and support to local governments, women and seniors — and to other partners in government on their behalf. The ministry’s commitment to citizen-centred service is also affirmed in its values.

The ministry’s success in providing client-centred service is reflected in its excellent, long standing relationships with local governments. It has worked in collaboration with the Union of BC Municipalities to make major legislative changes over the last several years. It also works in partnership with the Union of BC Municipalities and other local government organizations in developing information and best practices (such as the Regulatory Best Practices Guide). In 2006, the ministry will be undertaking a comprehensive survey of its local government clients to determine how municipalities are taking advantage of the new Community Charter, and to assess their degree of satisfaction with the ministry’s support.

With regard to services for seniors, women and communities, the ministry’s domestic violence prevention and intervention services for women are founded on client-centred service principles. The ministry has recently increased funding to enhance transition house services (supporting 24/7 operations) and to provide increased counselling and outreach services for more women. The ministry also supports an online directory for women and the Seniors’ Information Line.

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