Appendix II
Ministry of Community Services Key Legislation
The ministry is responsible for a number of public Acts, including the following legislation:
Capital Region Water Supply and Sooke Hills Protection Act
Community Charter Act
Community Charter Council Act
Islands Trust Act
Land Title Act — section 219, except subsections (3) (c), (11) (b) and (10) as it relates to the ministry
Local Government Act — except ss. 916–919 and 692–693
Local Government Grants Act
Local Services Act
Manufactured Home Tax Act
Ministry of Municipal Affairs Act
Mountain Resort Associations Act
Municipal Aid Act
Municipal Finance Authority Act
Nanaimo and Southwest Water Supply Act
Ports Property Tax Act — s. 5
Resort Municipality of Whistler Act
Sechelt Indian Government District Enabling Act — s. 4
University Endowment Land Act — except ss. 2 (1) (a) and (d) and 3 (b)
Vancouver Charter