Core Business Areas

1. Local Government

The local government core business area is resourced by the Local Government Department and comprises four program areas: the Governance and Structure Division; Infrastructure and Finance Division; Intergovernmental Relations and Planning Division; and Local Government Policy and Research Branch.

Through this core business area, the ministry:

  • provides the provincial legislative, regulatory, and policy frameworks that enable local governments to address community needs;
  • manages water and sewer infrastructure capital funding and infrastructure planning;
  • works with local governments to develop forward-looking regional strategies;
  • assists local governments with incorporations, amalgamations, and boundary extensions;
  • fosters cooperation among the federal, provincial, and local governments; and
  • facilitates productive relationships among local governments, provincial agencies, and First Nations.

The Local Government Department is also responsible for municipal services in the University Endowment Lands.

Much of the work in this core area relies on building and fostering partnerships with a diverse range of stakeholders. The Local Government Department has a budget of $181.0 million for 2006/07, with a staff of 91 full-time equivalents.

2. Seniors’, Women’s and Community Services

The seniors’, women’s and community services core business area is resourced by the Seniors’, Women’s and Community Services Department. The department comprises four policy/program areas: Seniors’ and Women’s Policy Branch; Stopping the Violence Branch; the Inner-City Partnerships Branch; and Community Transition.

Under this core business area, the ministry is responsible for leadership on issues related to seniors, women, inner-city issues and communities in transition. It contributes to community health and safety by funding third party service providers to deliver transition house programs for women and their children affected by domestic violence; counselling programs for women who have experienced domestic violence and children who have witnessed abuse; and public education and partnership initiatives that aim to eliminate violence against women. The ministry also provides policy analysis, research, and information to government and the public on seniors’ and women’s issues.

Through this core business area, the ministry supports revitalization in inner-city communities through public, private and community partnerships. Responsibilities include: coordinating resources and providing leadership to create economic and social development opportunities in inner-cities; supporting the implementation of the 2010 Winter Games Inner-City Inclusive Commitments;10 and funding the BladeRunners youth employment program. This business area also leads and coordinates the provincial government’s work to address issues facing communities in transition.

The seniors’, women’s and community services core business area has a budget of $52.4 million for 2006/07, with a staff of 37 full-time equivalents.

10  The 2010 Winter Games Inner-City Inclusive Commitments arose from the 2010 Bid Corporation and its Member Partners' mutual vision to create legacies for all British Columbians. The guarantee section of the 2010 Bid Book, the Inner-City Inclusive Commitment Statement, contains 37 goals centering on employment, economic development, housing, recreation, and culture to ensure the interests of those living in Vancouver's inner-city neighbourhoods are addressed.

3. Executive and Support Services

The executive and support services core business area is composed of the Management Services Department and the offices of the Minister and Deputy Minister. The Management Services Department supports programs in the Ministry of Community Services and the Ministry of Tourism, Sport and the Arts by supplying services such as:

  • corporate policy and planning;
  • legislation, regulation, and regulatory reform;
  • facilities and administrative services;
  • financial services;
  • information, privacy, records management, and the intranet;
  • information systems; and
  • strategic human resources.

The executive and support services core business area has a budget of $7.8 million for 2006/07, with a staff of 70 full-time equivalents.

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