Goals, Objectives, Strategies and Results
Agency Goals
Public service employees working to meet the needs of BC are vital to making government’s goals a reality.
In the September 2005, Strategic Plan Update, government commits to re-invest in its public service by:
- Continuing to build on its leadership training initiatives started in the last four years; and
- Stepping up its efforts related to succession planning, increasing the diversity of the public service and the work experiences afforded to staff.
Cross Ministry Initiatives
This service plan identifies goals and strategies that support government’s vision for a strong public service. The following initiatives are being led by the Public Service Agency with endorsement and participation by all ministries.
Talent Management — A strategy to acquire, deploy, develop, engage and retain human resources across the Public Service in order to achieve outstanding results.
Policy Framework — Implementation of modern HR policies that support the recruitment, motivation, development and retention of a high performing public service.
Employee Relations — A comprehensive and coherent labor strategy that addresses current and emerging labor relations issues, and supports ministries’ plans for future change as well as government’s vision for the Public Service.
Shared Services — A client-centred service delivery strategy to ensure improved HR services that position our clients and customers to be successful in the management of their human resources and to realize their business objectives.
The agency also plays an integral role in multiple cross ministry initiatives through its overarching responsibilities for facilitating excellence in public service. Specific participation in cross ministry initiatives include:
- Employment strategy for people with disabilities;
- Policy direction on mandatory retirement;
- Supporting ministries in developing a new relationship with First Nations people;
- Supporting citizen-centred service delivery by increasing diversity and strategically developing the workforce; and
- Implementing workplace wellness strategies with the public service that support the ActNow initiative.
Performance Plan
Goal 1:
Government is supported by a professional public service that has the knowledge, skills and abilities to achieve current and future objectives.
The BC Public Service faces a potential labour shortage brought on by an aging population and increasing competition in the marketplace. At the same time, the public service is undergoing significant transformation and will need to ensure the right skills are available in the right place at the right time to deliver critical public services. The Agency will improve and streamline hiring policy, process and tools for hiring managers across government to facilitate faster and better hiring decisions. To attract high quality applicants, the BC Public Service must be not just visible in the labour market but considered an attractive employer.
This goal is vital to ensure the continuation of a high quality public service.
Core Business Area:
Objective 1:
The recruitment policy, process and tools in the BC provincial government facilitate hiring of highly competent employees.
Key Strategies:
- Facilitate Workforce Planning activities across government and lead the development of a revised Corporate Human Resource Plan.
- Facilitate targeted recruitment campaigns.
- Provide training and tools to support managers to make sound hiring decisions.
Objective 2:
The BC provincial government is recognized as an attractive employer.
Key Strategies:
- Implement a Marketing and Branding program to raise the visibility and appeal of government as an employer.
Performance Measures and Targets
Performance Measures | 2005/06 Baseline |
2006/07 Target |
2007/08 Target |
2008/09 Target |
Percentage of managers who report they are able to attract the talent they need. | Being Developed1 | Being Developed1 | Being Developed1 | Being Developed1 |
Percentage of managers who report they are able to retain the talent they need. | Being Developed1 | Being Developed1 | Being Developed1 | Being Developed1 |
1 | As the planning and mandate for FY06/07 and beyond has yet to be finalized, the information to develop the baseline and the targets is not yet available. |
Goal 2:
The public service promotes a safe and healthy workplace that supports the well-being of employees.
Core Business Area:
Compensation Benefits and Policy Division.
Objective 1:
Safe workplaces.
Key Strategies:
- Develop an occupational safety strategic plan for the public service.
- Provide client organizations the direction, knowledge, tools and support necessary to implement and maintain effective safety management programs.
- Enhance safety reporting.
Objective 2:
Safe and timely returns to work for individuals who are ill or injured.
Key Strategies:
- Reposition the Disability Case Management function so that specialized expertise is available to clients and employees as needed.
- Implement enhanced reporting for clients.
Objective 3:
Healthy and productive work environments.
Key Strategies:
- Evaluate needs and develop a health strategy proposal for the public service.
- Develop and implement appropriate workplace programs and tools that are available to help reduce health risks.
- Assess needs and implement regular reporting.
Performance Measure and Targets
Performance Measure | 2005/06 Baseline |
2006/07 Target |
2007/08 Target |
2008/09 Target |
Percentage of employees who say that a safe and healthy workplace exists in my work unit. | Being Developed1 | Being Developed1 | Being Developed1 | Being Developed1 |
Note 1: As the planning and mandate for FY06/07 and beyond has yet to be finalized, the information to develop the baseline and the targets is not yet available. |
Goal 3:
The public service is a versatile workforce that can adapt to meet changing needs.
Core Business Area:
Talent Management.
Objective 1:
Refocus our investments in learning to accelerate the development of people for key roles across the public service.
Key Strategies:
- Target learning to key and critical roles.
- Implement a comprehensive succession management programs to prepare employees for new assignments across the organization.
- Target developmental assignments to areas of highest need.
Objective 2:
Provide structured means to share knowledge across the organization.
Key Strategies:
- Implement initiatives designed to improve the transfer of knowledge and the sharing of best practices.
Objective 3:
Foster continuous learning across the organization.
Key Strategies:
- Provide career management tools for all employees.
- Balance the focus of employee learning between formal and informal opportunities to learn job related skills.
Performance Measures and Targets
Performance Measures | 2005/06 Baseline |
2006/07 Target |
2007/08 Target |
2008/09 Target |
Percentage of managers who report their employees have the skills to meet current and future needs. | Being Developed1 | Being Developed1 | Being Developed1 | Being Developed1 |
Note 1: As the planning and mandate for FY06/07 and beyond has yet to be finalized, the information to develop the baseline and the targets is not yet available. |
Goal 4:
Public service employees understand their roles, how their work contributes to achieving the goals of government, and are focused on results.
A public service striving for service excellence and innovation requires a workforce that is engaged, flexible to adjust to emerging priorities and supported to get the right results. Performance management practices vary widely across government and better tools to support ministries in managing performance across the public service are required. This goal is intended to ensure employee understanding of their roles and to focus their contributions to most effectively support the organization’s goals and objectives.
Core Business Area:
Talent Management, Business Transformation and Learning.
Objective 1:
Employee engagement is measured, addressed and improved.
Key Strategies:
- Implement annual engagement survey and develop strategies to address issues that arise out of the survey results.
- Benchmark engagement across Canada.
Objective 2:
Employees receive a strong orientation to their jobs and the public service.
Key Strategies:
- Implement a corporate orientation program.
Objective 3:
Facilitate performance management best practices.
Key Strategies:
- Provide tools to improve how government manages employee performance.
- Align employee performance management processes with government strategic and business planning processes.
Performance Measures and Targets
Performance Measures | 2005/06 Baseline |
2006/07 Target |
2007/08 Target |
2008/09 Target |
Employee Engagement Rating. | 53% (as at November 2003) | Being Developed1 | Being Developed1 | Being Developed1 |
Percentage of employees who understand how their work contributes to achieving Service Plan objectives. | 70% (as at November 2003)2 | Baseline + 5% points |
06/07 target + 5% points |
07/08 target + 5% points |
Percentage of employees who have had a formal performance review in the last year. | 41% 2005 OAG Report | Baseline + 5% points |
06/07 + 10% points |
07/08 + 5% points |
Note 1: As the planning and mandate for FY06/07 and beyond has yet to be finalized, the information to develop the baseline and the targets is not yet available. | |
Note 2: Source: OAG report used “department goals” and had a baseline of 70%. |
Goal 5:
Public Service employees exhibit the highest standards of conduct.
The public service is held to a high standard due to its responsibility to the citizens of British Columbia. In order to ensure the standard is met, individual public servants must be keenly aware of the expectations of them in terms of their work and conduct on the job.
Core Business Area:
Objective 1:
Ensure all employees fully understand their roles and obligations as public servants.
Key Strategy:
- Implement an annual program for all employees to ensure their understanding of and commitment to the standards expected of all public servants.
Performance Measure and Targets
Performance Measures | 2005/06 Baseline |
2006/07 Target |
2007/08 Target |
2008/09 Target |
Percentage of employees who demonstrate knowledge of their responsibilities and obligations as a public servant. | Being Developed1 | Being Developed1 | Being Developed1 | Being Developed 1 |
Note: 1: As the planning and mandate for FY06/07 and beyond has yet to be finalized, the information to develop the new baseline and the targets is not yet available. |