Core Business Areas

The BC Public Service Agency has six core business areas.

1. Business Transformation and Learning Division

The Business Transformation and Learning core business facilitates transformative change within the human resource function in order to continue to enhance client satisfaction, improve efficiency, reduce costs, and increase innovation. This division also provides a suite of learning services transition services, and employee rewards and recognition.

2. Client Services

The Client Services core business provides a full range of day-to-day human resource consulting and related human resource services and programs delivered on a regional basis to assist clients in meeting their business goals.

3. Talent Management

The Talent Management core business is responsible for leadership and services in the areas of workforce and succession planning, hiring and deployment, and employee development and integration. In addition, the division is responsible for all services provided by the Leadership Centre, which exists to recruit, deploy and develop senior leaders across the public service.

4. Employee Relations

The Employee Relations core business delivers a full range of labour relations and workforce adjustment services including negotiation and administration of collective agreements, labour relations advice and dispute resolution.

5. Compensation, Benefits and Policy

The Compensation Benefits and Policy core business provides services in compensation, safety, health, disability case management, benefits, and terms and conditions of employment for excluded staff. The Division is also responsible for policy and program development for these business lines. It is responsible for the Agency’s policy coordination and legislation. It manages the Community Services Fund, a public service wide annual drive for and disbursement of charitable donations.

6. Executive and Support Services

This Executive and Support Services core business provides for the executive direction of the BC Public Service Agency, administrative support services, policy and program development, communications, strategic planning, performance management and provides support to independent offices. Other administrative services, including financial, human resources, information systems, facilities management, freedom of information, protection of privacy, planning and performance management are provided by the Ministry of Finance.

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