Agency Overview

Purpose of Agency

The BC Public Service Agency provides leadership and services in people management.

The Agency was formed in 2003 to provide a consolidated human resource service to the public service. As established in the Public Service Act, the Agency supports its clients (government ministries/agencies, etc.) in achieving their human resource needs and improving overall effectiveness of the public service through the provision of human resource management policies and frameworks and a variety of human resource services, products and programs.

The Agency has six core business areas that contribute to developing an innovative and responsive public service whose employees are motivated and supported to reach their highest potential. The core businesses include: Business Transformation and Learning Division, Client Services, Talent Management, Employee Relations; Compensation, Benefits and Policy; and Executive and Support Services.

The Agency has realigned its focus and priorities towards a fully integrated approach to managing talent in the BC public service within a supportive policy, labour relations and client services environment. To reflect this realignment, the goals, objectives and performance measures presented in this service plan are significantly different than last year. This new approach is also reflective of the role that the Agency plays in the stewardship of the HR function in relationship to the ministries. As the result, the achievement of these results will be in partnership with ministries and will provide a better measure of how the public service as a whole is doing in relation to the management of its human resources.

Goal #1: Government is supported by a professional public service that has the knowledge, skills and abilities to achieve current and future objectives.

Goal #2: The public service promotes a safe and healthy workplace that supports the well-being of employees.

Goal #3: The public service is a versatile workforce that can adapt to meet changing needs.

Goal #4: Public service employees understand their roles, how their work contributes to achieving the goals of government and are focused on results.

Goal #5: Public Service employees exhibit the highest standards of conduct.

Vision, Mission and Values


To be the leader in Canada and recognized internationally for public service excellence.


The BC Public Service Agency provides leadership and services that support public service excellence.


Fulfillment of our Mission depends on a skilled workforce operating in an innovative and accountable culture, an integrated approach to service delivery and an emphasis on providing the tools and programs to support the public service to achieve their highest potential. Our values below guide us in attaining our goals and are related to our objectives and the measures we have developed to gauge our success in meeting them.

  • We provide professional, cost-effective and accountable service.
  • Our relationship with our clients is respectful, open and collaborative.
  • Through teamwork, we trust and support each other and work across organizational boundaries.
  • We model the human resource practices that we wish to see throughout the public service.
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