2005/06 – 2007/08 SERVICE PLAN UPDATE Office of the Premier
Strategic Context
Vision, Mission and Values
Building on the successful work of the last four years, British Columbia will be a prosperous and just province, whose citizens
achieve their potential and have confidence in the future.
The Office of the Premier provides leadership across government and Crown agencies to ensure timely decision-making and effective
service delivery, supported by transparency and accountability, and positive intergovernmental relations.
The Office of the Premier's leadership of government will be founded upon the government's values of:
Integrity: To make decisions in a manner that is consistent, professional, fair and balanced.
Fiscal Responsibility: To implement, affordable public policies.
Accountability: To enhance the efficiency, effectiveness and creditability of government.
Respect: To treat all citizens equitably, compassionately and respectfully.
Choice: To afford all British Columbians the opportunity to exercise self-determination.