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September Update
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Overview and Core Business Areas:
Office of the Premier

The Premier serves as the President of the Executive Council (Cabinet) of the Government of British Columbia. As head of the government and Cabinet, the Premier provides leadership to, and coordination among ministers, ministries and agencies of government. The Office of the Premier provides advice and support to the Premier and Cabinet to facilitate effective and integrated operations of the Government of British Columbia.

The Office of the Premier's former service plan identified 23 performance measures — this update recommends five performance measures which focus on the most relevant information pertaining to the work of the Office of the Premier. With respect to past measures, many have been removed because the agencies associated with the Office of the Premier have moved to other ministries. For example, Crown Agencies Secretariat is now part of the Ministry of Finance and the Board Resourcing Development Office is now part of the Ministry of Labour and Citizens' Services. Other performance measures have been eliminated because they were tied to past mandate objectives which were completed, or are now an intrinsic part of regular operations and no longer require a specific performance measure.

The Office works closely with all ministries and major Crown agencies to support their work and to ensure coordination across government. In addition, the Office of the Premier provides leadership in the following areas:

1. Intergovernmental Relations Secretariat

The Secretariat works with all ministries and Crown agencies to ensure that relations with federal, provincial and international governments advance British Columbia's interests. Approximately $2,543,000 and 25 FTEs have been dedicated to this core business area.

2. Deputy Ministers' Policy Secretariat

The Deputy Ministers' Policy Secretariat, a corporate resource for ministries and Deputy Ministers, was established in spring 2004. It works with line ministries and agencies in a leadership and facilitative manner to advance key policy issues in an integrated way, to assist the Deputy Ministers' Committees on Natural Resources and the Economy and Social Development (DMCNRE and DMCSD) to develop and implement their work plans, and to coordinate and manage the government service planning process. The Secretariat reports on a functional basis to all Deputy Ministers, and on a line basis to the Deputy Minister, Strategic Policy, Natural Resources and the Economy and the Deputy Minister, Strategic Policy and Social Development. Approximately $2,145,000 (prorated to $1,470,000 for September to March of 2005/06) and 19 FTEs have been dedicated to this core business area.

3. Executive and Support Services

The Office of the Premier provides leadership in policy, program and performance planning for ministries. The Office manages key relationships on behalf of the Premier and provides strategic advice, media relations and issues management support directly to the Premier and Cabinet. The Deputy Minister to the Premier leads the public service, and with her office provides leadership and co-ordination across all ministries and Crown agencies for development of policies and legislation. Cabinet Operations provides administrative support and service for Cabinet decision-making processes and facilitates the effective operation of Cabinet, and Government Caucus Committees (GCCs). Approximately $3,565,000 and 25 FTEs have been dedicated to this core business area.

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