2005/06 – 2007/08 SERVICE PLAN UPDATE Office of the Premier
Related Initiatives and Planning Processes
Overview of Human Resource Plan and Information Resource Management Plan
Human Resource Plan
In meeting the government's strategic priorities, the Office of the Premier will continue to draw upon the skills, abilities,
commitment and teamwork of the staff that work in the office.
Our employees and their expertise and knowledge are the fundamental and most valuable assets we possess to meet future challenges
and secure service plan goals objectives and performance measures.
The Human Resource Plan overview for the Office of the Premier is available on the website at: http://www.prov.gov.bc.ca/prem/serviceplan/hrmp.html.
Information Resource Management Plan
The Office of the Premier will continue to invest in information management and technology to provide secure, online, integrated
information to the public, as well as streamlined operations.
The Information Resource Management Plan overview for the Office of the Premier is available on the website at: http://www.prov.gov.bc.ca/prem/serviceplan/irmp.html.