2005/06 – 2007/08 SERVICE PLAN UPDATE Ministry of Agriculture and Lands
Part A: Ministry of Agriculture and Lands — Continued
Related Initiatives and Planning Processes
Deregulation and Regulatory Reform
The table below lists the ministry's most significant deregulation and regulatory reform initiatives that aim to ensure British Columbia's
regulatory climate enables economic development and innovation.
Objective |
Performance Measures |
2004/05 Actual/Base |
2005/06 Target |
2006/07 Target |
2007/08 Target |
Shift from prescriptive to results-based approach to regulation |
Regulations and Orders in Council enacted |
Regulatory requirements under review: plant protection, agricultural product grading, livestock, land tenuring policy and procedures, land use objectives, private
managed forest and greenbelt lands, and Muskwa-Kechika Management Area advisory board governance mode |
Regulatory changes as completed |
Regulatory changes as completed |
Regulatory changes as completed |
Zero per cent increase to regulatory burden throughout 2005/06 |
Regulatory requirements maintained at June 2004 baseline |
regulatory requirements (June 2004 baseline)1 |
6,373 regulatory requirements (0% increase)1 |
6,373 regulatory requirements (0% increase)1 |
6,373 regulatory requirements (0% increase)1 |
Overview of Human Resource Management Plan and Information Resource Management Plan
Human Resource Management Plan
With the formation of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands in June 2005, a new Human Resource Plan is being developed, and
will be available November 30, 2005. The plan overview will be available at: http://www.agf.gov.bc.ca/ministry/planning/hrp.pdf.
Information Resource Management Plan
The ministry's Information Resource Management Plan overview is available at: http://www.agf.gov.bc.ca/ministry/planning/irmp.pdf.