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Ministry of Agriculture and Lands  

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Part A: Ministry of Agriculture and Lands

Ministry Overview and Core Business Areas

The mandate of the ministry is to enhance the economic development and environmental sustainability of the agriculture and food sectors while delivering safe, high quality products for the enjoyment and well-being of our citizens. The ministry mandate includes management of specified Crown land and resources in a manner that embraces the economic, environmental and social goals of government. These results are all essential to improving the global competitiveness of B.C. industry and our ability to attract private investment, to stimulate economic growth and job creation across the province.

The ministry works with agencies at the local, provincial and federal levels as well as numerous stakeholders and First Nations to fulfill its mandate. With respect to agriculture, a partnership with Agriculture and Agri-food Canada (AAFC) has been formalized through the national Agriculture Policy Framework (APF) and implementation agreements. This agreement underlines the significance of a strong relationship with the federal government to achieve positive outcomes for the sector. While other relationships are less formal they are essential and involve federal and provincial agencies, local government, regional authorities and industry associations.

Crown land administration will be achieved by effective collaboration with industry, other provincial resource agencies (such as the Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Forests and Range), local government and First Nations.

For more information about the ministry and related organizations, see

Services and programs delivered by the ministry are divided into five core business areas:

1. Food Industry Development

Food Industry Development focuses on reducing the regulatory burden and barriers to international and inter-provincial trade, promoting industry self-reliance and encouraging competitiveness. This includes responsibility for animal disease surveillance and response to prevent economic losses and support public health. Food Industry Development also provides services and programs that enhance environmental sustainability by improving industry management of soil, waste and water, and enhance the contribution that agriculture makes to the community. (157 FTEs, net operating budget $11.7 million)

2. Agriculture and Aquaculture Management

Agriculture and Aquaculture Management provides legislative and policy leadership across the ministry. It takes a lead role in managing food safety and quality initiatives, including science-based approaches to monitoring and product tracking (traceability) throughout the food production system, and ensuring that food production systems support public health. (86 FTEs, net operating budget $8.6 million)

3. Risk Management

Risk Management services and programs promote, develop and deliver risk management products such as the Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization Program (CAIS) and Production Insurance. These products help to effectively manage on-farm risks and reduce demands for assistance through ad hoc government programs. (35 FTEs, net operating budget $29.7 million)

4. Crown Land Administration

Crown Land Administration is responsible for the development of a strategic and operational Crown land-use and allocation policy framework. In addition, the ministry provides leadership in the management of B.C.'s contaminated sites program by coordinating the identification and remediation of priority sites located on Crown land in B.C. (99 FTEs, net operating budget $30.2 million)

5. Executive and Support Services1

Executive and Support Services includes human resources, performance strategies, records management and financial support, as well as the Minister's and Deputy Minister's offices. (260 FTEs, net operating budget $8.8 million)

Expenditures and FTEs allocated to each of these business areas are identified in the Resource Summary section, as follows.

1  Corporate Services Division (CSD), a component of Executive and Support Services, also provides some or all of these services for the Integrated Land Management Bureau and Ministry of Environment, as well as the Agricultural Land Commission and the Environmental Assessment Office. The Ministry of Environment records CSD FTEs and recovers the full cost of services provided.
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