2005/06 – 2007/08 SERVICE PLAN UPDATE Ministry of Agriculture and Lands
Part B: Integrated Land Management Bureau
Bureau Overview and Core Business Areas
The Integrated Land Management Bureau is a client-focused organization providing services, on behalf of other provincial ministries
and agencies, to clients outside the provincial government seeking access to the province's natural resources3. It does this by: coordinating access to tenures, permits, licences and Crown grants; developing, implementing and revising
land-use plans; managing and delivering resource information; and prioritizing and coordinating recovery planning for broad-ranging
species-at-risk. In so doing, the bureau supports the sustainable economic development of the province's natural resources.
Our work identifies land-use priorities, informs decision-making, reduces resource conflict and improves access to resources
while maintaining environmental integrity. These results are all essential to improving the global competitiveness of B.C.
industry and our ability to attract private investment, which in turn is key to stimulating economic growth and job creation
across the province.
The bureau expands the range of tenure services provided by the former Land and Water BC and aims to improve their effectiveness
and efficiency by combining them with the land-use planning and delivery of resource information undertaken by the former
Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management.
The bureau relies on four core business areas to achieve its goals and objectives.
1. Client Service Delivery. This core business involves the facilitation and coordination of resource-based economic opportunities through two avenues.
The first entails the regionally located Natural Resource Opportunity Centres that provide businesses and individuals with
coordinated access to Crown natural resources as well as information concerning these on behalf of a number of provincial
ministries and agencies. The first avenue is funded through resources currently residing in the Ministry of Agriculture and
Lands. The second involves development of land and resource plans, improved tools and resource information for balanced decisions
along with increased consultations with First Nations concerning land-use planning. (145 FTEs, net operating budget $26.6
2.Species-at-Risk Coordination. This core business helps ensure the most effective management and, where necessary, recovery of the province's globally significant
species while furthering access to Crown land and resources. The bureau coordinates and leads the prioritization of species-at-risk
and coordinates the development and implementation of recovery plans for priority, broad-ranging species. (4 FTEs, net operating
budget $0.626 million)
3.Resource Information Management. Under this core business, the bureau manages the capture, integration, management and warehousing of provincial land and
resource information; the delivery of all of this information to provincial government clients; and the delivery of some of
this information using web-based tools to other clients. Regional delivery of this information to businesses and individuals
is handled through Core Business 1. (174 FTEs, net operating budget $21.2 million)
4.Bureau Management. The office of the Associate Deputy Minister constitutes this core business and includes the budget for performance and issues
management and corporate services. (26 FTEs4, net operating budget $12.8 million)
The resources shown above are 2005/06 full-time equivalent (FTE) staff numbers and net operating budgets after adjustment
for cost recoveries.