2004/05 – 2006/07 SERVICE PLAN
Ministry of Management Services
Ministry Overview
The Ministry of Management Services provides a broad range of services
to the public through Service BC, and to other ministries and the
broader public sector through Solutions BC. The Ministry also
plays a significant role in transforming service delivery to customers
and clients. It should be noted that the British Columbia Public
Service Agency prepares its own Service Plan and therefore information
pertaining to the Agency is not included in this document.
Since June of 2001, the Ministry of Management Services has been
reviewing and aligning its programs in order to support and manage
government's internal operations. An organization chart can be found
in Appendix A "Strategic Context".
Management Services customers and clients include:
- Citizens
- Businesses
- Visitors to British Columbia
- Provincial Ministries
- Crown corporations
- Other levels of government and jurisdictions, including:
- Government of Canada
- Other provincial governments
- Municipalities
- The Broader Public Sector, including:
- Schools and Universities
- Regional Health Authorities
Management Services appears deceptively small, as its net voted
appropriation is only $51.289 million in 2004/05. It is, however,
a large Ministry: its 2004/05 gross expenditures are expected to
be $377.495 million and its gross recoveries $326.206 million.
In addition, the Ministry also collects approximately $900 million
in revenues on behalf of other Ministries and Agencies through the
Government Agents Branch and BC OnLine.
For fiscal year 2004/05 the Ministry has an estimated Full-Time
Equivalent staff allocation of 1,664.