2004/05 – 2006/07 SERVICE PLAN
Ministry of Education
Appendix 2. Supplementary Performance Information
The ministry uses other performance measures to indicate success
of strategies supporting improved student achievement and a high
quality performance-oriented system. The measures presented
in earlier sections are those that have the most meaning to parents
and the wider public audience, and are able to be presented in a
relatively simplified statement. The ministry also collects, analyzes
and reports data that may require more context in order to be meaningful.
Some of these reports are available online at www.bced.gov.bc.ca/exams/standrep/welcome.htm
and some data is reported in the ministry's Annual Service Plan
Report. Specific data reports may also be requested from the ministry's
Information Department. Some additional measures include:
Satisfaction Survey
Social responsibility, computer usage, School Planning Councils,
survey participation rates.
Graduates Transition Survey
Transitions to work, college, university.
Aboriginal Enhancement Agreements
Performance Results Breakout by Demographics
Special Needs, Gender, Aboriginal, ESL.
Other System Efficiency Measures
- Turn around times for FSA, surveys, enrolment data.
- Broadband connections, computers in schools.
- Web site visits.
- Stakeholder satisfaction with flexibility in system, clarity
of funding formula.
- Life expectancy of school buildings.
- Percentage of ministry managers with performance contracts.