2004/05 – 2006/07 SERVICE PLAN
Environmental Assessment Office
Environmental Assessment Office Overview
The Environmental Assessment Office leads reviews of proposed large-scale
projects in British Columbia. Environmental assessment is a process
for identifying, predicting, evaluating and mitigating potentially
adverse impacts of major projects. The process examines a broad
range of possible effects — environmental, economic, social,
health and heritage — and supports balanced decision-making.
Environmental assessment serves the public interest by:
ensuring that major projects will not threaten public health/safety
or adversely affect local communities and the environment, and
by instilling public confidence that this is the case;
supporting sustainable development that improves the provincial
forestalling project planning errors which could be costly to
both private and public interests;
protecting British Columbia's reputation for environmental integrity
in external markets;
satisfying public expectations for political accountability
for project approval decisions; and
ensuring that decisions on major projects are linked to government's
larger responsibility for the management of provincial land and