2004/05 – 2006/07 SERVICE PLAN
Environmental Assessment Office
Appendix 3. Summary of Related Planning Processes
Information Resource Management Plan (IRMP)
An initiative critical to the success of the reformed environmental
assessment process is the use of new technology for electronic service
delivery. The electronic Project Information Centre (ePIC, also
called the e-Registry) is the primary means of providing review
participants with web-based access to environmental assessment information.
ePIC is essential for providing efficient and effective environmental
assessment, and for ensuring open government and accountable decision-making.
The Environmental Assessment Office will monitor the effectiveness
of ePIC and develop system updates and enhancements as necessary.
The Environmental Assessment Office's IRMP forms part of the larger
MSRM Plan, through shared services with that Ministry. The Environmental
Assessment Office will rely on the Chief Information Office and
the Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management for leadership in
the area of standards for electronic service delivery, records management,
and the protection of information and privacy.
Human Resource Management Plan
The Environmental Assessment Office is committed to its vision
of being a high-performance, learning organization that fosters
innovation, creativity and continual improvement to deliver service
The Environmental Assessment Office plans to achieve this vision
through the realization of two broad goals:
1. Proactive leadership.
2. Performance focused workplace.
The Environmental Assessment Office will receive human resource
services and assistance from a shared services model. The following
objectives will guide the development of our human resources, to
ensure that the Environmental Assessment Office staff have the necessary
skills and knowledge, and work in a healthy environment:
- organizational structure that supports delivery of Environmental
Assessment Office mandate;
- Environmental Assessment Office staff that have had training
in essential job competencies; and
- recognition of employee contributions.
Performance measures and targets have been established in the Human
Resource Management Plan to track the effectiveness of the Environmental
Assessment Office's strategies for meeting these goals and objectives.