2004/05 – 2006/07 SERVICE PLAN
Environmental Assessment Office
Core Business Areas
The core functions of the Environmental Assessment Office form
the basis for fulfilling its mandated responsibilities. These core
functions are delivered through two business areas:
Major Project Environmental Assessments
The Environmental Assessment Office oversees and manages the province's
major project environmental review process to assess environmental,
economic, social and other aspects of proposed projects in the following
sectors: industrial, mining, energy, water management (dams, dykes,
and reservoirs), waste disposal, food processing, transportation
and tourism (destination resorts).
Corporate Operations
Many of the Environmental Assessment Office's corporate services
are shared with the Ministries of Sustainable Resource Management
and Water, Land and Air Protection. Corporate operations that are
the responsibility of the Environmental Assessment Office include
service planning, budgeting, staff development, policy and legislation,
records management, and management of the electronic Project Information
Centre and website.