2004/05 – 2006/07 SERVICE PLAN
BC Public Service Agency and
BC Leadership Centre
Message from the Deputy Minister
The people who comprise the Public Service of BC have shown their
true dedication in a year of phenomenal change.
First steps were taken towards the Renewal of the Public Service
in 2003. Strategic supports to the Renewal initiative were the launch
of the BC Public Service Agency and the BC Leadership Centre which
marked a substantial shift in the way human resource programs and
services are delivered; with an emphasis on excellence and service
quality. The outcome of these changes has led to significant cost
savings and service delivery efficiencies.
For the first time, human resource initiatives will be viewed both
from a ministry-specific perspective, and also with a government-wide
lens. The emphasis will continue to focus on public service renewal,
building collaborative relationships with our clients, offering
exemplary service, improving individual accountability and ensuring
sound governance of the human resource functions to our key stakeholders.
The BC Public Service Agency and the BC Leadership Centre will
continue to foster leadership capability and provide the tools and
programs designed to support the people of the public service in
their quest for excellence.
We are very conscious of the fact that quality service to the public
is highly reliant upon having talented and committed employees at
every level and in every Ministry and Government Agency. To this
end, I look forward to working with everyone in the public service
as we continue to forge new ground, serve the needs of our constituents,
and prepare for the opportunities of the future.
Diane Rabbani
Deputy Minister
February 4, 2004