Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.
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Minister's Letter  
Accountability Statement  
A. Strategic Context  
B. Goals and Core Business Areas  
C. Objectives, Strategies, Performance Measures and Targets  
D. Consistency with Government Strategic Plan  
E. Resource Summary  
F. Summary of Related Planning Processes  
Appendix 1: Organizational Structure  

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2003/04 – 2005/06 SERVICE PLAN
Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management

D. Consistency With Government Strategic Plan

Through its goals, the ministry supports the government’s three long-term goals:

  • a strong and vibrant provincial economy;
  • a supportive social infrastructure; and
  • safe, healthy communities and a sustainable environment.

Through its principles and organizational values, the ministry also supports the government’s core values of integrity, fiscal responsibility, accountability, respect and choice. In addition all ministry goals, including ministry Goal 4, Organizational Excellence, will operate under the government’s management principles: high standards of accountability, consultation and ethics; focused and efficient delivery of government services; social and fiscal responsibility; open and transparent government; and an innovative and goal-oriented public service.

This service plan also supports the government priorities set out in the government’s New Era commitments:

  • restore BC as a world leader in e-government;
  • a thriving private-sector economy that creates high-paying job opportunities;
  • better services for children, families and First Nations;
  • a leading-edge forest industry that is globally recognized for its productivity and environmental stewardship;
  • an open and accountable government; and
  • responsible, accountable management of British Columbia’s public resources and tax dollars.

More specifically, this service plan addresses the following New Era commitments and key projects listed in the Premier’s letter of June 25, 2001 to the Minister through the goals and objectives indicated.

New Era Commitments Ministry Goals
and Objectives
1. Eliminate backlog and delays in Crown land applications1 LWBC responsibility
2. Provide faster approvals and greater access to Crown land and resources to protect and create jobs in tourism, mining, forestry, farming, ranching, and oil and gas production1

Shared responsibility
with LWBC

Goal 1, Objective 1 and 3

Goal 2, Objective 2, and

Goal 3, Objective 1

3. Make the Land Reserve Commission [now called the Agricultural Land Commission] more regionally responsive to community needs2 Goal 3, Objective 1
4. Establish a working forest land base to provide greater stability for working families and to enhance long-term forestry management and planning Goal 1, Objective 1 and 3
5. Adopt a scientifically-based, principled approach to environmental management that ensures sustainability, accountability and responsibility

Goal 1, Objective 1

Goal 2, Objective 1, and

Goal 3, Objective 3

6. Give property buyers more information about prospective properties by ensuring that notices of known archaeological sites are registered with the Land Title Office

Goal 2, Objective 2, and

Goal 2, Objective 3

7. Deregulation — immediately identify opportunities to eliminate unnecessary and costly regulations Goal 3, Objective 1
8. Create a BC Trust for Public Lands to encourage and facilitate the expansion of public lands through private donations Goal 3, Objective 1
1   MSRM is the designated owner of Crown land and water and has responsibility for strategic policy concerning these resources. LWBC is the Crown Corporation responsible for the management and disposition of these resources in line with these strategic policies.
2   The Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) is accountable for budget and service delivery with respect to these commitments.


Key Projects Goals and
1. Build a structure for the ministry and prepare a business plan to implement the objectives of the government in this area

Goal 3, Objective 4, and

Goal 4, Objective 1

2. Review the status of existing land-use plans and the current land-use planning process and develop a strategy to conclude province-wide land-use plans in a manner that is expeditious and balanced and that results in plans that can be implemented on the ground without significant delays Goal 1, Objective 1
3. Develop a plan to resolve land- and water-use conflicts between ministries and external interests

Goal 1, Objective 1, and

Goal 3, Objective 3

4. Reduce the backlog in applications (land- and water-licence applications)1 LWBC responsibility
5. With the Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection, develop a program to implement the Living Rivers Strategy Goal 1, Objective 1
6. Rationalize the numerous land and resource-inventory information systems to create a central source of integrated information that can be accessed by users both within and outside government

Goal 2, Objective 1, and

Goal 2, Objective 2

7. Create a central registry for all tenures and other legal encumbrances on Crown land and resources

Goal 2, Objective 1, and

Goal 2, Objective 2

8. Optimize the financial return from the use of Crown land and water resources consistent with the province’s land-use and water policy objectives Goal 3, Objective 1
9. Determine the feasibility of establishing a 20-year plan for infrastructure rights of way Goal 3, Objective 1
10. Within 18 months, develop a working-forest land base on Crown land for enhanced forestry operations, accompanied by effective and streamlined approval processes for forest operations in those zones Goal 1, Objective 1 and 3
1   MSRM is the designated owner of Crown land and water and has responsibility for strategic policy concerning these resources. LWBC is the Crown Corporation responsible for the management and disposition of these resources in line with these strategic policies.


The ministry has developed a three-year deregulation plan to achieve the New Era commitment to cut red tape and reduce the regulatory burden. This is one component of an aggressive legislative program to achieve a shift to performance-based regulation, which is addressed under Goal 3, Objective 1. The ministry will evaluate the impacts of these changes in terms of reduced costs and improved results for industry and government.


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