Message from the Minister and Accountability Statement
It is with pleasure that I introduce the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General 2005/06 Annual Service Plan Report. This report provides an update on the ministry's activities and performance during the fiscal year that ended on March 31, 2006.
The ministry's portfolio includes a wide range of public safety programs, such as: law enforcement and corrections; crime prevention and victim services; emergency preparedness, response and recovery; coroners service; driver safety; fire prevention; consumer protection; and liquor and gaming regulation.
Through its programs and services, the ministry continues to work to ensure the safety of all British Columbians. These efforts contribute to a strong foundation for the realization of government's Five Great Goals.
I am proud of the many significant achievements made by the ministry during 2005/06, including: implementing mandatory rehabilitation and ignition interlock system programs to keep drinking drivers off the road; launching a fully integrated strategy under the ministry's Crystal Meth Secretariat to address the growing problem of crystal methamphetamine; strengthening our fight against organized crime and gang violence, and committing an additional $10 million per year to the Integrated Gang Task Force; establishing the Civil Forfeiture Act to ensure that criminals do not profit from their illegal activities; and implementing the Responsible Gambling Strategy to reduce the incidence of problem gambling.
These and our many other achievements are testament to the dedication and professionalism of staff throughout the ministry. I look forward to continuing to work with ministry staff to enhance the safety of all British Columbians.
The 2005/06 Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General Annual Service Plan Report compares the actual results to the expected results identified in the ministry's 2005/06 – 2007/08 Service Plan Update. I am accountable for those results reported.
Honourable John Les
Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General
June 30, 2006