Report on Resources 2005/06

The following Resource Summary presents expenditures and resources for 2005/06 by core business area. In addition to the core business areas already discussed in this report, several other accounts are included to make the Report on Resources consistent with the Public Accounts.

2005/06 Resource Summary by Core Business Areas

  Estimated1 Other Authorizations2 Total Estimated Actual Variance (actual minus total estimated)
Operating Expenses ($000)
Corrections 181,048 3,9003 184,948 184,919 (29)4
Policing and Community Safety5 281,846 44,3006 326,146 327,500 1,3547
Provincial Emergency Program 6,096   6,096 7,193 1,0978
Office of the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles 8,223   8,223 5,772 (2,451)9
Office of the Fire Commissioner 2,294   2,294 2,351 5710
Gaming Policy and Enforcement 14,606   14,606 15,147 54111
Liquor Control and Licensing 1   1 012 (1)
Executive and Support Services13 6,108 65314 6,761 6,126 (635)15
Emergency Program Act16 15,628 14,00017 29,628 27,006 (2,622)18
Statutory Services19 8,890 (542)20 8,348 7,768 (580)21
Adjustment     0 (6,181) (6,181)22
Total 524,740 62,311 587,051 577,601 (9,450)
Full-time Equivalents (Direct F.T.E.s)
Corrections 1,796   1,796 1,726 (70)23
Policing and Community Safety 205   205 207 2
Provincial Emergency Program 73   73 67 (6)24
Office of the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles 66   66 62 (4)
Office of the Fire Commissioner 25   25 21 (4)
Gaming Policy and Enforcement 116   116 112 (4)
Liquor Control and Licensing 104   104 98 (6)25
Executive and Support Services 62   62 52 (10)26
Emergency Program Act 0   0 2 2
Total 2,447   2,447 2,347 (100)
Ministry Capital Expenditures (Consolidated Revenue Fund) ($000)
Corrections 2,776   2,776 2,933 157
Policing and Community Safety 1,214   1,214 872 (342)27
Provincial Emergency Program 0   0 76 76
Office of the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles 494   494 214 (280)28
Office of the Fire Commissioner 250   250 98 (152)
Gaming Policy and Enforcement 370   370 3 (367)29
Liquor Control and Licensing 1,150   1,150 583 (567)30
Executive and Support Services 250   250 39 (211)31
Statutory Services 93   93 24 (69)
Adjustment 0   0 (430) (430)32
Total 6,597   6,597 4,412 (2,185)
Other Financing Transactions ($000)
Gaming Policy and Enforcement          
Receipts 456   456 389 (67)
Net Cash Source (Requirements)          
Total Receipts 456   456 389 (67)
Total Disbursements          
Total Net Cash Source (Requirements) 456   456 389 (67)

1  The "Estimated" amount corresponds to the Estimates as presented to the Legislative Assembly on September 14, 2005.
2  "Other Authorizations" include additional allocations under Supplementary Estimates, Statutory Appropriations, and Contingencies (All Ministries) and New Programs.
3  Other Authorizations of $3,900,000 is from Contingencies (All Ministries) and New Programs, and is due to higher inmate count and related costs.
4  Favourable variance of $28,596 was the result of minor program savings.
5  In 2005/06, Policing and Community Safety included the B.C. Coroners Service. The B.C. Coroners Service was established as a separate core business area as of April 1, 2006.
6  Other Authorizations of $44,300,000 is from Contingencies (All Ministries) and New Programs and includes $2,300,000 (Police Services), $1,000,000 (B.C. Coroners Service), and $41,000,000 (Victim Services and Community Programs).
7  Unfavourable variance of $1,353,875 is primarily due to a $1,100,000 Police Services grant payment to PRIMECorp, and $257,765 increase in B.C. Coroners Service autopsy and body transport costs.
8  Unfavourable variance of $1,096,684 is primarily due to Filmon recommendations and costs for Tsunami Integrated Preparedness.
9  Favourable variance of $2,451,164 is primarily due to a delay in the Driver Fitness Assessment Program and lower-than-anticipated costs in the Responsible Driver Program.
10  Unfavourable variance of $56,832 is due to minor program costs.
11  Unfavourable variance of $540,799 is due to an increase in clients seeking problem gambling counseling services and the need for additional contracted counselors in various communities.
12  This core business area is self-financing, with its operating expenses recovered from liquor licensing applications and fees. For financial reporting, operating expenses are shown as zero.
13  This business area consists of the offices of the Minister and Deputy Minister, the Corporate Policy and Planning Office, and various agencies, boards and commissions, including salaries, benefits and allowances and operating expenditures.
14  Other Authorizations of $653,264 is from Contingencies (All Ministries) and New Programs, due to an increase in employee benefit costs.
15  Favourable variance of $635,247 is primarily due to savings in the Minister's Office and the Corporate Policy and Planning Office.
16  The Emergency Program Act provides for response to and recovery from emergencies and disasters, and for hazard mitigation initiatives.
17  Other Authorizations of $14,000,000 is from Contingencies (All Ministries) and New Programs, due primarily to completion of prior year event disaster recovery work.
18  Favourable variance of $2,621,885 is primarily due to excess Contingencies funding for recovery costs of some 2003 – 2006 disaster events.
19  Statutory Services encompasses the Forfeited Crime Proceeds Fund Special Account, the Inmate Work Program Special Account, and the Victims of Crime Act Special Account.
20  Inter-account transfer of $542,471 to Inmate Work Program Special Account to eliminate cross-ministry transactions in the Inmate Work Program.
21  Favourable variance of $579,678 is primarily due to reduced activity in the Inmate Work Program Special Account.
22  Adjustment of prior year's accrual is due to a reversal of estimated liabilities under the Emergency Program Act.
23  Favourable variance of 70 F.T.E.s is due to unfunded F.T.E.s in the budget.
24  Favourable variance of 6 F.T.E.s is due to a delay in hiring, however, by year end the program was fully staffed at 73.
25  Favourable variance of 6 F.T.E.s is due to unfunded F.T.E.s in the budget.
26  Favourable variance of 10 F.T.E.s is due to unallocated F.T.E.s.
27  Favourable variance of $342,290 is primarily due to a delay in a B.C. Coroners Service systems development project.
28  Favourable variance of $280,125 is primarily due to a delay in a systems development project.
29  Favourable variance of $366,970 is primarily due to a delay in systems development and a cancelled systems project.
30  Favourable variance of $567,443 is primarily due to a delay in systems development projects.
31  Favourable variance of $211,380 is primarily due to a managed reduction in spending.
32  Adjustment related to program transfer of Commercial Vehicle Safety and Enforcement to the Ministry of Transportation and transfer of the Residential Tenancy Office to the Ministry of Forests and Range in September, 2005.

Resource Allocation by Service Plan Goals

Expenditures by Expenditure Type

1  Cost of space occupied by the ministry, including correctional facilities.
2  Includes R.C.M.P. policing costs in the province.
3  Includes costs related to correctional facilities and probation services.
4  All remaining costs, such as asset amortization, contracted expenditures and transfers to external parties, less payments received from the federal government and other parties external to the ministry for various program costs.
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