Part A: Ministry of Forests and Range — Continued

Report on Resources

The Ministry of Forests and Range underspent approximately $45 million in 2005/06 against adjusted estimates of $662.344 million. Contributing factors were: a below average fire season, and delays in finalizing an agreement with the federal government for the South Moresby Forest Replacement Account.

Funding for the ministry is provided in the Ministry Operations Vote and the Direct Fire Vote of the legislature and three special accounts (BC Timber Sales, the Forest Stand Management Fund (FSMF) and the South Moresby Forest Replacement Account (SMFRA)). The SMFRA expenditures are overseen by a joint federal–provincial management committee. Forest Investment expenditures are overseen by a Forest Investment Council.

In 2005/06 additional funding was made available through a contingency vote of the legislature to address Nisga'a land reforestation obligations.

Ministry Goal Core Business Funding Source
(Vote or Special Account)
1. Sustainable Forest and Range Resources • Protection Against Fire and Pests • Direct Fire Vote

• Ministry Operations Vote
• Forest Stewardship • Ministry Operations Vote

• FSMF (special account)

• SMFRA (special account)

• Contingency Vote (Nisga'a land reforestation)
• Range Stewardship and Grazing • Ministry Operations Vote
• Compliance and Enforcement
• Forest Investment
2. Sustainable Forest and Range Benefits • Pricing and Selling Timber • Ministry Operations Vote
• BC Timber Sales • BC Timber Sales
(special account)
3. Highly Effective Innovative and Responsive Organization • Executive and Support Services • Ministry Operations Vote

Resource Summary Table 2005/06

Core Business Area Estimated1 Other Authorizations2 Total Estimated Actual 2005/06 Variance
Operating Expenses ($000)
Protection Against Fire and Pests 127,438 1,370 128,808 117,438 (11,370)
Forest Stewardship 84,440 3,000 87,440 51,845 (35,595)
   Nisga'a lands    reforestation    obligations    (Contingency vote) 0 5,650 5,650 5,650 0
Range Stewardship and Grazing 4,919 0 4,919 4,733 (186)
Compliance and Enforcement 25,609 0 25,609 24,298 (1,311)
Forest Investment 89,000 0 89,000 84,059 (4,941)
Pricing and Selling Timber 119,576 1,490 121,066 114,042 (7,024)
   Interest owed on    revenue refunds
0 1 1 1 0
Executive and Support Services 48,542 2,402 50,944 66,513 15,569
BC Timber Sales 148,395 512 148,907 148,907 0
Total 647,919 14,425 662,344 617,486 (44,858)
Full-time Equivalents (FTEs)
Protection Against Fire and Pests 684 0 684 676 (8)
Forest Stewardship 313 0 313 368 55
Range Stewardship and Grazing 44 0 44 42 (2)
Compliance and Enforcement 292 0 292 285 (7)
Forest Investment 57 0 57 57 0
Pricing and Selling Timber 733 0 733 691 (42)
Executive and Support Services 527 0 527 560 33
BC Timber Sales 574 0 574 559 (15)
Total 3,224 0 3,224 3,238 14
Ministry Capital Expenditures (Consolidated Revenue Fund) ($000)
Protection Against Fire and Pests 3,360 0 3,360 8,837 5,477
Forest Stewardship 5,023 0 5,023 1,555 (3,468)
Range Stewardship and Grazing 6 0 6 0 (6)
Compliance and Enforcement 1,911 0 1,911 50 (1,861)
Forest Investment 0 0 0 0 0
Pricing and Selling Timber 3,848 0 3,848 838 (3,010)
Executive and Support Services 7,698 0 7,698 10,089 2,391
BC Timber Sales 990 0 990 193 (797)
Total 22,836 0 22,836 21,562 (1,274)
Other Financing Transactions ($000)
BCTS — Disbursements 83,798 0 83,798 52,342 31,456
   Total Receipts 0 0 0 0 0
   Total Disbursements 83,798 0 83,798 52,342 31,456
   Total Net Cash Source
0 0 0 0 0
These amounts have been restated, for comparative purposes only, to be consistent with the presentation of the 2006/07 Estimates. Schedule A of the Estimates, presents a detailed reconciliation.
2  "Other Authorizations" include Supplementary Estimates, Statutory Appropriations and Contingencies.

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