Part B: Ministry of Office of Housing and Construction Standards — Continued

Appendices (Part B)

Appendix B1: List of Legislation.

  • Building Officials' Association Act
  • Commercial Tenancy Act
  • Community Charter(Part of) s. 9 (1) (d)
    • —  Buildings and Other Structures Bylaws Regulation
  • Fire Services Act (Part of) s. 47 (2) (g) (h)
    • —  BC Fire Code Regulation
  • Homeowner Protection Act
  • Local Government Act (Part of) s. 692, 693
    • —  BC Building Code Regulation
      —  Water Conservation Plumbing Regulation
  • Manufactured Home Park Tenancy Act
  • Ministry of Lands, Parks and Housing Act (s. 5, 8.1 and 10)
  • Railway Safety Act
    • —  Railway Safety Adopted Provisions Regulation
      —  Administration Delegation Regulation
      —  Fee Setting Criteria Regulation
      —  Railway Safety Act Transition Regulation
  • Railway Act (s. 14 – 25)
  • Rent Distress Act
  • Residential Tenancy Act
  • Safety Standards Act
    • —  Administration Delegation Regulation
      —  Boiler Code Adoption Regulation
      —  Electrical Safety Regulation
      —  Elevating Devices Safety Regulation
      —  Fee Setting Criteria Regulation
      —  Gas Safety Regulation
      —  Power Engineers, Boiler, Pressure Vessel and Refrigeration Safety Regulation
      —  Safety Standards General Regulation
  • Safety Authority Act
  • Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters Act

Appendix B2: Report on Performance Service Plan Goal Changes Summary.

The table below shows changes to the Ministry's vision, mission, and values.

  • The left side reflects the 05/06 – 07/08 Service Plan Update (September 2005) vision, mission, and values.
  • The right side reflects the 06/07 – 08/09 Service Plan (February 2006) vision, mission, and values.
  • Text in bold represents changes.
Vision, Mission and Values
05/06 September Service Plan
Vision, Mission and Values
06/07 February Service Plan Update


Safe and Stable Housing for all British Columbians.


British Columbians enjoy secure and affordable housing and safe buildings in which to live work and play.


To provide leadership in meeting the housing needs of all British Columbians by enabling a range of housing choices.


To provide leadership in meeting the building needs of British Columbians by:

Promoting a range of housing choices;

Developing regulations and ensuring their application;

Providing information regarding rights and responsibilities; and,

Providing mechanisms for resolving disputes.


The Housing Department is an organization guided by the following values:

• We value the importance of housing as a home — the foundation on which to build a healthy life and a sustainable community.

• We value innovation and excellence in the work we do and are accountable to ourselves and ultimately to the citizens of British Columbia.

• We value strong working relationships built on open communication and shared understanding that inspires trust and confidence.

• We value integrated services and partnerships that optimize resources and improve the well being of our clients and stakeholders.

• We value the people we work with and the people we serve, respecting diversity and treating everyone fairly and with dignity.


The Office of Housing and Construction Standards is an organization guided by the following values:

• We value the importance of housing as a home — the foundation on which to build a healthy life and a sustainable community.

• We value innovation and excellence in the work we do and are accountable to ourselves and ultimately to the citizens of British Columbia.

• We value strong working relationships built on open communication and shared understanding that inspires trust and confidence.

• We value integrated services and partnerships that optimize resources and improve the well being of our clients and stakeholders.

We proactively resolve conflicts in a neutral way, balancing the interests of our clients.

• We value the people we work with and the people we serve, respecting diversity and treating everyone fairly and with dignity.

The table below shows changes to the Ministry's goals & objectives.

  • The left side reflects the 05/06 – 07/08 Service Plan Update (September 2005) goals and objectives.
  • The right side reflects the 06/07 – 08/09 Service Plan (February 2006) goals and objectives.
  • Text in bold represents changes.
Goals and Objectives
05/06 September Service Plan Update
Goals and Objectives
06/07 February Service Plan
Goal Objective Goal Objective
1. BC's most vulnerable citizens have access to short and long-term social housing. 1.1 Housing and support services are integrated and targeted to those in greatest need. 1. Housing and support services are targeted to those most in need. 1.1 Housing and support services targeted to priority groups.
1.2. Individuals in need have access to safe emergency shelter. 1.2 Individuals in need have access to emergency shelter.
  1.3 Senior renters receiving assistance in order to maintain independence.
2. Low and moderate-income households have an expanded range of housing options. 2.1. Local governments have access to information and planning tools to achieve their goals with respect to affordable housing options in their communities. 2. Low and moderate income households have an expanded range of housing options. 2.1 Local governments have access to information and planning tools to achieve their goals with respect to affordable housing options in their communities.
2.2. Partnership opportunities that explore innovation in housing are promoted and supported.  
2.3. Senior renters can afford to continue living independently in their own homes.  
3. Landlord and tenant relationships are improved. 3.1 Landlord and tenant disputes are resolved in a timely manner. 3. Balanced landlord and tenant rights and responsibilities. 3.1 Landlord and tenant disputes are avoided or resolved in a timely manner.
  3.2 Consumer protection legislation in place for assisted living and supportive housing landlords and tenants.
4. A safe built environment where the social, economic and safety interests of participants are balanced. 4.1 Policy and legislative frameworks maintain or enhance safety, health and accessibility in the built environment. 4. Safety is achieved in the built environment. 4.1 Policy and legislative frameworks maintain or enhance safety, health and accessibility in the built environment.
4.2 The building safety regulatory system is responsive to the changing needs of system participants. 4.2 B.C. homeowners are protected.
  4.3 Relevant and responsive codes, standards and regulatory systems in place.

The table below shows changes to the Ministry's goals & objectives.

  • The left side reflects the 05/06 – 07/08 Service Plan Update (September 2005) goals and objectives.
  • The right side reflects the 06/07 – 08/09 Service Plan (February 2006) goals and objectives.
  • "X" identifies those measures that have been dropped in the 06/07 – 08/09 Service Plan.
  • Text in bold represents new 06/07 – 07/08 Service Plan Performance Measures or changes to Performance Measures in the 05/06 – 07/08 Service Plan Update.
Goals and Performance Measures
05/06 September Service Plan Update
Goals and Performance Measures
06/07 February Service Plan
Goal Performance Measure Goal Performance Measure
1. BC's most vulnerable citizens have access to short and long-term social housing. 1.1 Develop a comprehensive provincial housing strategy.
(X) Measure Achieved
1. Housing and support services are targeted to those most in need.  
1.2 Percentage of tenants belonging to assisted priority groups. 1.1 Percentage of assisted clients belonging to priority groups .
1.3 Number of frail and low income senior households assisted through housing programs. 1.2 Number of senior households assisted through housing programs.
1.4 Percentage of available shelter beds accessed. 1.3 Percentage of nights where shelters are at full capacity .
1.4 Number of units/beds created or adapted for priority clients .
2. Low and moderate-income households have an expanded range of housing options. 2.1 Percentage of local governments in communities over 100,000 that apply affordable housing planning tools and techniques. 2. Low and moderate income households have an expanded range of housing options. 2.1 Percentage of local governments in communities over 100,000 that apply affordable housing planning tools and techniques.
2.2 TBD (X)  
2.3 TBD (X)  
3. Landlord and tenant relationships are improved. 3.1 Percentage of residential tenancy arbitrations scheduled to take place within 6 weeks or less . 3. Balanced landlord and tenant rights and responsibilities. 3.1 Percentage of residential tenancy arbitrations scheduled to take place within 6 weeks.
3.2 Percentage of residential tenancy disputes resolved without arbitration. (X)  
  3.2 Legislation in place to extend protection to landlords and tenants in assisted living and supporting housing arrangements.
4. A safe built environment where the social, economic and safety interests of participants are balanced. 4.1 Objective-based BC Building and Fire Codes adopted. (X) 4. Safety is achieved in the built environment. 4.3 B.C. Building Code and B.C. Fire Code adopted in an objective-based format.
4.2 Percentage of code users benefiting from objective based BC Building and Fire Codes. (X)  
4.3 Safety trends by sector are maintained or improved. (X) 4.2 Safety index to be established and safety trends maintained or improved.
4.4 Prepare recommendations for modernizing and rationalizing the building safety regulatory system.  
4.5 Provide updated and improved technical regulations for minister's review annually.
  4.1 Home warranty claims within industry norms.
  Note: X Symbol indicates measure has been dropped.
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