Part A: Ministry of Forests and Range — Continued
Report on Performance
In keeping with B.C.'s eight reporting principles to focus on a few, critical aspects of performance, and to better link goals and objectives to results, MoFR reduced its number of performance measures and indicators from 40 in the 2005/06 Service Plan Update to 11 measures in the 2006/07 service plan. In addition nine measures that are part of the Province's commitment to report on the Mountain Pine Beetle Action Plan have been moved to an appendix in the 2006/07 Plan and in this 2005/06 Annual Service Plan Report.
Many of the measures that are no longer included in this plan continue to be tracked as part of the Ministry's Internal Service Plan (or Business Plan), to enable the ministry to manage performance effectively.
Performance at a Glance
Performance Measure Target Achievement
Fourteen Key Outcome Indicators (KOIs) are used by the ministry to report on the highest level outcomes or key results represented by the ministry goals in 2005/06. Although these indicators are outside the full influence and control of the ministry, they are tracked to show progress towards the ministry's goals. Because of the lack of ministry control on these outcomes, rather than establish a target with accountability, the indicators have been assessed against a projection and evaluated as to their current status and trend.
The 33 Corporate Performance Measures (CPMs) were established with targets to evaluate ministry performance in its core business areas for 2005/06.
As shown in the pie-chart above, 32 of the 33 corporate performance measures are reported on, yielding a total of 84 per cent target achievement, made up of five targets that were mostly achieved (>80 per cent to 95 per cent), 12 targets that were achieved (95 per cent to 105 per cent), and 10 targets that were exceeded (>105 per cent). Five measures (16 per cent) had targets that were missed.
The following KOIs and CPM were not reported in 2005/06:
- The two KOIs on public trust (per cent of British Columbians who agree that the Forest Service can be trusted to protect and manage our public forests, and the per cent of British Columbians who feel the Forest Service effectively protects and manages our public forests), will be evaluated again in 2006/07.
- The CPM on achievement of free-growing obligations under the Forest Stand Management Fund required no activity during the year.
In the 2006/07 Service Plan, the ministry rationalized its performance framework to focus public reporting on fewer, critical measures. The eleven measures chosen for 2006/07 include some KOIs and some CPMs (shown with shading in the accompanying chart), chosen to best represent the key goals, objectives and business areas of the ministry.
A synopsis of the links between goals, objectives, strategies and performance results is provided in the accompanying chart. Explanations of each measure and its performance target achievements are provided in the following sections.
Performance Plan Summary Table
The following tables provide a synopsis of the results for the Ministry key outcome indicators (Section 1), and performance measures (Section 2) from the 2005/06 Service Update (September 2005). The measures covered by the Mountain Pine Beetle Action Plan have been separated out in Section 3. The measures shaded represent those in the 2006/07 service plan.
Section 1 — Key Outcome Indicators
Section 2 — MoFR Performance Measures
Section 3 — Mountain Pine Beetle Action Plan Measures
All of these measures are described and reported in Appendix A1.