Report on Resources

Resource Summary

Core Business Areas Estimated1 Other Authorizations2 Total Estimated Actual Variance3
Operating Expenses ($000)
Court Services          
Gross 136,425 6,324 142,749 141,867 (882)
Internal/external recoveries (2,817)   (2,817) (1,309) 1,508
Net 133,608 6,324 139,932 140,558 626
Legal Services          
Gross 60,826 600 61,426 64,388 2,962
Internal/external recoveries (47,422)   (47,422) (48,565) (1,143)
Net 13,404 600 14,004 15,823 1,819
Prosecution Services          
Gross 84,199 2,039 86,238 85,693 (545)
Internal/external recoveries (1,720)   (1,720) (1,720) 0
Net 82,479 2,039 84,518 83,973 (545)
Justice Services          
Gross 94,101 2,843 96,944 95,894 (1,050)
Internal/external recoveries (2,920)   (2,920) (2,372) 548
Net 91,181 2,843 94,024 93,522 (502)
Multiculturalism and Immigration          
Gross 27,521   27,521 27,475 (46)
Internal/external recoveries (20,493)   (20,493) (20,459) 34
Net 7,028   7,028 7,016 (12)
Executive and Support Services          
Gross 41,749 2,008 43,757 41,370 (2,387)
Internal/external recoveries (437)   (437) (332) 105
Net 41,312 2,008 43,320 41,038 (2,282)
Total Ministry Operations          
Gross 444,821 13,814 458,635 456,687 (1,948)
Internal/external recoveries (75,809) 0 (75,809) (74,757) 1,052
Net 369,012 13,814 382,826 381,930 (896)
Judiciary 52,281   52,281 52,142 (139)
Crown Proceeding Act 27,500   27,500 23,109 (4,391)
B.C. Utilities Commission          
Gross 5,528   5,528 4,806 (722)
Internal/external recoveries (5,527)   (5,527) (4,806) 721
Net 1   1 0 (1)
Public Guardian and Trustee of B.C. (special account)          
Gross 11,599   11,599 12,210 611
Internal/external recoveries (1,193)   (1,193) (2,769) (1,576)
Net 10,406   10,406 9,441 (965)
Gross 541,729 13,814 555,543 552,560 (2,983)
Internal/external recoveries (82,529) 0 (82,529) (85,938) (3,409)
Net 459,200 13,814 473,014 466,622 (6,392)
Full-time Equivalents (FTEs)
Court Services 1,295   1,295 1,293 (2)
Legal Services 330   330 357 27
Prosecution Services 737   737 739 2
Justice Services 177   177 173 (4)
Multiculturalism and Immigration 31   31 35 4
Executive and Support Services 238   238 233 (5)
Total Ministry Operations 2,808 0 2,808 2,830 22
Judiciary 399   399 379 (20)
Crown Proceeding Act 0   0 0 0
B.C. Utilities Commission 26   26 25 (1)
Public Guardian and Trustee of B.C. (special account) 214   214 210 (4)
Total 3,447 0 3,447 3,444 (3)
Ministry Capital Expenditures (Consolidated Revenue Fund) ($000)
Court Services 9,022   9,022 7,243 (1,779)
Legal Services 298   298 57 (241)
Prosecution Services 1,200   1,200 1,041 (159)
Justice Services 510   510 313 (197)
Multiculturalism and Immigration 1,250   1,250 206 (1,044)
Executive and Support Services 1,137   1,137 842 (295)
Total Ministry Operations 13,417 0 13,417 9,702 (3,715)
Judiciary 2,236   2,236 1,910 (326)
Crown Proceeding Act 0   0 0 0
B.C. Utilities Commission 12   12 0 (12)
Public Guardian and Trustee of B.C. (special account) 794   794 734 (60)
Total 16,459 0 16,459 12,346 (4,113)
Capital Plan ($000)
Surrey Courthouse 3,340   3,340 0 (3,340)
Total 3,340 0 3,340 0 (3,340)
Other Financing Transactions ($000)
Executive and Support Services (Interest on Trusts and Deposits)          
Receipts 700   700 886 186
Disbursements (700)   (700) (886) (186)
Net Cash Source (Requirements) 0 0 0 0 0
Total Receipts 700 0 700 886 186
Total Disbursements 700 0 700 (886) (186)
Total Net Cash Source (Requirements) 0 0 0 0 0

1  Estimated amounts correspond to the Estimates as presented to the Legislative Assembly on September 14, 2005.
2  Other Authorizations include contingencies funding for major trials (Air India, Eron Mortgage, Pickton) and for benefits cost pressures and other adjustments.
3  Variance display is consistent with the Public Accounts. Variance is in all cases "Actual" minus "Total Estimated." If the Actual is greater, then the Variance will be displayed as a positive number.

Operating Expenses Variance Explanation

Court Services variance is primarily due to the cost of operational requirements exceeding the Ministry's target funding level.

Legal Services variance is primarily due to Aboriginal litigation expenditures and increased space requirements to meet service level demands from client ministries.

Prosecution Services variance is primarily due to savings in salaries and benefits.

Justice Services variance is primarily due to deferred savings in the Legal Aid Exceptional Matters (Case) fund as well as unexpected savings from the Contingency Vote.

Multiculturalism and Immigration was essentially on budget.

Executive and Support Services variance is primarily due to savings in salary and benefits, shared services, building occupancy charges and additional cost recoveries from the Public Guardian and Trustee.

The Judiciary was essentially on budget.

Crown Proceeding Act variance is due to court-ordered and settlement liabilities against the Crown being less than the budgeted provision.

Public Guardian and Trustee variance is primarily due to greater than expected recoveries from revenues.

Full-time Equivalents (FTEs) Variance Explanation

The Ministry was essentially on budget.

Capital Expenditures (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Variance Explanation

Capital expenditures of $12.346 million include $4.391 million for information systems, $3.289 million for tenant improvements, $2.167 million for vehicles, $1.252 million for specialized equipment and $1.247 million for office furniture and equipment.

Capital Expenditures (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Variance Explanation

Court Services variance is primarily due to reduced costs for the radio replacement project and the delay of some large tenant improvement projects.

Legal Services variance is primarily due to the deferral of a systems project.

Prosecution Services variance is primarily due to an accounting adjustment to write off an accrual from the prior year.

Justice Services variance is primarily due to an accounting adjustment from the prior year.

Multiculturalism and Immigration variance is primarily due to the deferral of systems projects.

Executive and Support Services variance is primarily due to lower than anticipated tenant improvement projects and an accounting adjustment from the prior year.

Judiciary variance is primarily due to a lower number of vehicles acquired and reduced systems purchases.

BC Utilities Commission variance is due to no capital expenditures being required.

Public Guardian and Trustee variance is due to an insignificant recording discrepancy.

Capital Plan Variance Explanation

Surrey Courthouse refurbishment was delayed.

Other Financing Transactions Variance Explanation

Executive and Support Services variance is primarily due to an increase in the dollar amount of transactions and market increase in interest rates applied to funds held.


Ministry Expenses by Goal and Judiciary.

    1. A ministry that is a leader in law reform and innovative justice processes.

    2. An effective criminal justice system

    3. An effective civil justice system (restated for 2006/07 as: Effective civil and family justice systems)

    4. Effective legal services enabling government to administer public affairs in accordance with the law

    5. Full participation of immigrants in social and economic opportunities (restated for 2006/07 as: Effective immigrant settlement and adaptation services, and multiculturalism and anti-racism initiatives)

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