Purpose, Vision, Mission and Values


The Ministry of Attorney General is responsible in government for the administration of justice, leadership in law reform and for providing legal services that ensure lawful public administration.

As the Minister Responsible for Multiculturalism, the Attorney General leads government in the area of multiculturalism and immigration by funding programs and services to attract, retain, settle and integrate newcomers and by funding multicultural and anti-racism initiatives.

Justice System: Vision, Mission, Culture and Values


A province governed by the rule of law with an effective justice system serving all British Columbians


We are responsible in government for law reform, for the administration of justice, and for seeing that public affairs are administered in accordance with the law.

Culture and Values

We are dynamic and innovative leaders in justice and public administration with the following operating principles and values.

  1. To be performance and service focused.
  2. To honour members of the Ministry and support them in their learning and development.
  3. To act with professional integrity, independent from interference.
  4. To be forthright and strategic.
  5. To be collaborative and inclusive within the justice system and with the public that we serve.
  6. To adhere to the core values of the British Columbia Public Service, namely integrity, accountability, responsibility, respect and fostering innovation in providing services.

Multiculturalism and Immigration:
Vision, Mission, Culture and Values


Safe, sustainable and liveable communities where immigrants can realize their full potential, racism is eliminated and cultural diversity is valued and celebrated.


We are responsible in government to meet the settlement needs of immigrants and refugees, to promote multiculturalism and to eliminate racism.

Culture and Values

We are dynamic and innovative leaders in multiculturalism, immigration and public administration with the following operating principles and values.

  1. To be performance and service focused.
  2. To honour members of the Ministry and support them in their learning and development.
  3. To act with professional integrity, independent from interference.
  4. To be forthright and strategic.
  5. To be collaborative and inclusive with our service partners and with the public that we serve.
  6. To adhere to the core values of the British Columbia Public Service, namely integrity, accountability, responsibility, respect and fostering innovation in providing services.
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