Annual Report Appendices
Appendix A: Summary of New, Retained and Replaced Performance Measures
New Justice System Key Outcome Indicator Percentage of British Columbians who have a great deal, or quite a lot, of confidence in the justice system |
Measures in the right-hand column below were replaced to be consistent with Ministry efforts to use stronger, yet fewer, performance measures in the 2006/07 Service Plan and to replace output/operational measures with outcome measures. | |||
Justice System Goals | New Measures 2006/07 Service Plan | Retained Measures | Replaced Measures 2005/06 Service Plan Update |
A Ministry that is a leader in law reform and innovative justice processes |
The Ministry has not established specific performance measures for this goal. Implementation of the strategies for this goal will result in the improvement, modernization and reform of the law and justice processes. Measures for the other three justice system goals will also serve as key indicators of success for this goal. |
None |
Strategic plans for all areas of law reform Percentage of budget directed to reform activities (now reported as part of the Resource Summary) Milestones for innovative dispute resolution procedures Year-over-year percentage increase in total criminal cases managed using the Criminal Litigation System Continuous implementation of new technology to streamline procedures Percentage of litigation files for which Ministry considers mediation and alternative dispute resolution options |
An effective criminal justice system |
Percentage of all British Columbians 15 years and older who perceive that the criminal courts do a good job of: • providing justice quickly Average time to disposition for: • traffic cases |
None |
Yearly percentage change in average time to trial for adult criminal cases Completion rate of persons referred to Alternative Measures Number of successful malicious prosecution lawsuits against the Crown Number of successful wrongful conviction lawsuits per year Percentage of video conference appearances as a portion of total in-custody appearances Number of serious security incidents as a portion of all court days |
An effective civil justice system (restated in the 2006/07 Service Plan as: Effective civil and family justice systems) |
Average rate of client satisfaction with child protection mediation Small claims settlement rate Average time to disposition for: • small claims settlement conferences from case initiation |
Average rate of client satisfaction with small claims mediation Proportion of provincial population residing within one hour of travel time to court |
Number of cases mediated in Small Claims Court Mediation Program Recovery rate for support payments to families enrolled in FMEP Cost of collecting family maintenance payments per dollar recovered Number of client civil court record searches conducted remotely via Internet Percentage of uncontested divorces processed in 5 days from filing to signing |
Effective legal services enabling government to administer public affairs in accordance with the law |
None |
Percentage of clients satisfied with: • timeliness of services |
Costs of legal services compared to private sector Legal risk management processes in use compared with those of other public sector organizations System in place for early identification of significant cases |
Multiculturalism and Immigration Goal | New Measures 2006/07 Service Plan | Retained Measures | Replaced Measures 2005/06 Service Plan Update |
Full participation of immigrants in social and economic opportunities (restated in the 2006/07 Service Plan as: Effective immigrant settlement and adaptation services, and multiculturalism and anti-racism initiatives |
Number of communities that have participated in the Critical Incident Response Model (CIRM) Program |
Percentage of recent immigrants in language training who report greater ability to use English |
None |
Appendix B: Ministry Operational Volumes for 2005/06
Examples of Annual Volumes (Based on 2005/06 Data)
Court Services |
• 311,000 civil and criminal case filings • 125,000 prisoners escorted • Management of 44 courthouses and 44 circuit courts • 172,000 hours of trials and hearings |
Prosecution Services |
• 156,000 potential criminal charges assessed • 51,000 new criminal files initiated involving 66,000 accused • 295,000 victims and potential witnesses |
Justice Services |
• 42,000 Family Justice Centre clients • 160,000 Family Maintenance Enforcement Program (FMEP) clients • Over $150 million in FMEP payments recovered for children • 30,010 legal aid referrals for representation (22,048 criminal; 7,125 serious family matters; 837 immigration matters) |
Legal Services |
• 440,000 total hours of legal services provided to client ministries |
Appendix C: Legislation Administered by the
Ministry of Attorney General
In 2005/06, the Ministry of Attorney General was responsible for administering the following acts and regulations.
Administrative Tribunals Act
Administrative Tribunals Appointment and Administration Act
Adult Guardianship Act
Age of Majority Act
Association of Former M.L.A.s of British Columbia Act
Attorney General Act (ss. 1, 2 (a) – (d), (f), (g), (i) and (j), 3 and 4; ss. 2 (e), 5 and 6 as they relate to the powers, duties and functions of the Attorney General and Minister Responsible for Multiculturalism)
Civil Rights Protection Act
Class Proceedings Act
Coastal Ferry Act (Part 4 and ss. 70, 72 and 73)
Commercial Arbitration Act
Conflict of Laws Rules for Trusts Act
Constitution Act(except ss. 25 – 27)
Constitutional Amendment Approval Act
Constitutional Question Act
County Boundary Act
Court Agent Act
Court of Appeal Act
Court Order Enforcement Act
Court Order Interest Act
Court Rules Act
Criminal Code (Canada) (s. 672.38 (1) insofar as it applies to British Columbia)
Crown Counsel Act
Crown Franchise Act
Crown Proceeding Act
Debtor Assistance Act
Disciplinary Authority Protection Act
Election Act
Electoral Boundaries Commission Act
Electoral Districts Act
Electoral Reform Referendum Act
Enforcement of Canadian Judgments Act
Escheat Act
Estate Administration Act
Estates of Missing Persons Act
Evidence Act
Expropriation Act
Family Compensation Act
Family Maintenance Enforcement Act
Family Relations Act
Federal Courts Jurisdiction Act
Financial Disclosure Act
Foreign Arbitral Awards Act
Foreign Money Claims Act
Fraudulent Conveyance Act
Fraudulent Preference Act
Frustrated Contract Act
Good Samaritan Act
Holocaust Memorial Day Act
Human Rights Code
Infants Act
Inquiry Act
Insurance Corporation Act (Divisions 1 to 3 of Part 2)
Interjurisdictional Support Orders Act
International Commercial Arbitration Act
International Sale of Goods Act
International Trusts Act
Interpretation Act
Judicial Compensation Act
Judicial Review Procedure Act
Jury Act
Justice Administration Act
Law and Equity Act
Law Reform Commission Act
Legal Profession Act
Legal Services Society Act
Libel and Slander Act
Limitation Act
Lobbyists Registration Act
Local Government Bylaw Notice Enforcement Act
Members' Conflict of Interest Act
Ministry of Consumer and Corporate Affairs Act (ss. 3 and 4 (a) in relation to consumer affairs; s. 4 (b) – (d))
Ministry of International Business and Immigration Act
Ministry of Provincial Secretary and Government Services Act (sections 2 (1), (2), (3), (5) and (6), 3, 5, 6 and 7)
Multiculturalism Act
Negligence Act
Notaries Act
Occupiers Liability Act
Offence Act
Office for Children and Youth Act
Ombudsman Act
Partition of Property Act
Patients Property Act
Perpetuity Act
Police Complaint Commissioner Enabling and Validating Act
Power of Appointment Act
Power of Attorney Act
Privacy Act
Probate Recognition Act
Property Law Act
Provincial Court Act
Public Guardian and Trustee Act
Queen's Counsel Act
Recall and Initiative Act
Referendum Act
Regulations Act
Representation Agreement Act
Safe Streets Act
Securities Act
Sheriff Act
Small Claims Act
Statute Revision Act
Statute Uniformity Act
Subpoena (Interprovincial) Act
Supreme Court Act
Survivorship and Presumption of Death Act
Trespass Act
Trust and Settlement Variation Act
Trustee Act
Trustee (Church Property) Act
Utilities Commission Act
Wills Act (except Part 2)
Wills Variation Act
Youth Justice Act (Part 1 and section 44 (2) (a) and (b))
Appendix D: List of Crowns, Agencies, Boards and Commissions
Public Guardian and Trustee of British Columbia
The Public Guardian and Trustee (PGT) is appointed under the Public Guardian and Trustee Act, for a six-year term, to protect the legal and financial interests of children, and provide assistance to adults who need support for financial and personal decision making. The PGT also administers the estates of deceased and missing persons when there is no one else able to do so.
For more information on this organization, please go to:
Child and Youth Officer
The Officer provides support to children, youth and their families in obtaining relevant services and provides independent observations and advice to government about the state of services provided or funded by government to children and youth in British Columbia. The Officer may comment publicly on matters affecting children and youth. At the request of the Attorney General, the Officer must undertake an investigation into any matter within the scope of the Office for Children and Youth Act and make a confidential report to the Attorney General, who determines whether the report should be made public. The Officer reports annually to the Attorney General who must table the report in the Legislative Assembly.
For more information on this organization, please go to:
British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal
The Tribunal is responsible for accepting, screening, mediating and adjudicating complaints under the Human Rights Code. The Tribunal provides parties the opportunity to resolve complaints through mediation. Complaints that are not resolved through mediation proceed to a hearing before the Tribunal. The Tribunal is accountable to the legislature through the Attorney General and functions independently of government on all matters related to adjudication of complaints. Orders of the Tribunal are enforceable in the British Columbia Supreme Court.
For more information on this organization, please go to:
British Columbia Review Board
The British Columbia Review Board is established under the Criminal Code of Canada. The chair and members are appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council on the recommendation of the Attorney General. The Board conducts hearings to review and assess the mental condition and level of threat to the public posed by mentally disordered accused persons to determine whether they should be absolutely or conditionally discharged, or detained in a designated place of custody.
For more information on this organization, please go to:
British Columbia Ferry Commission
The British Columbia Ferry Commission regulates British Columbia Ferry Services Inc. (BC Ferries), the major ferry operator in coastal British Columbia, which holds an effective monopoly on most of its routes. The Commission is established under the Coastal Ferry Act, and consists of the Commissioner and not more than two Deputy Commissioners. The Commission operates independently of government to regulate fares and service levels of BC Ferries on 25 saltwater routes. The Act sets out six principles that the Commission is to follow in the course of its regulatory activities to protect the public interest in the provision of coastal ferry services.
For more information on this organization, please go to:
Legal Services Society
The Legal Services Society (LSS) provides legal aid in British Columbia as set out in the Legal Services Society Act. Services include legal information, advice and representation to people with low incomes. The provincial government provides most of the Society's funding, but LSS remains independent of government. The Society reports its activities to the provincial government through the Attorney General, and determines the range of services it will provide within the framework of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) negotiated with the Attorney General every three years.
For more information on this organization, please go to:
British Columbia Securities Commission
The British Columbia Securities Commission (BCSC) is the independent provincial government agency responsible for regulating securities trading in British Columbia through the administration of the Securities Act. The Commission has legal authority to protect investors and market integrity by imposing requirements through rules or other regulatory instruments and by taking enforcement actions.
For more information on this organization, please go to:
British Columbia Utilities Commission
The British Columbia Utilities Commission operates under and administers the Utilities Commission Act, regulating utilities to ensure customers receive safe, reliable and non-discriminatory energy services at fair rates, and that shareholders of those utilities are afforded a reasonable opportunity to earn a fair return on their invested capital.
For more information on this organization, please go to: