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Message from the Minister and Accountability Statement

Photograph -- Honourable Michael de Jong.During 2004/05 the Ministry of Forests began to see the benefits of the Forestry Revitalization Plan.

The Ministry has made significant progress in meeting our service plan goals to ensure our role as stewards for the province's forest and range resources. We have made changes in the way we manage the forests but have remained clear in our goals.

My colleague and I, the Minister of State for Forestry Operations, have made a special effort to work with locally affected communities impacted by the devastating Mountain Pine Beetle epidemic. The work has gone forward as a direct result of the hard work and dedication of the professional Forest Service staff.

I am also very proud of the agreements we have signed over the past three years with 93 First Nations from around the province that provide First Nations' communities with real economic opportunity. These agreements provide access to timber and revenue sharing and are a first step as each of the Bands leads its people to a greater presence in the forest economy.

As the Forest and Range Practices Act is being brought into effect, we are upholding world-class sustainable forest practices on the ground. Opportunities for more British Columbians are opening up all over the Province that take advantage of our natural resources and safeguard our environment. These opportunities are based on sound leadership and sound forest management. The ministry has made changes that will be felt by all British Columbians who will see increased job prospects, cleaner water, land and air, and a much stronger economy.

The 2004/05 Ministry of Forests Annual Service Plan Report compares the actual results to the expected results identified in the ministry's 2004/05 Service Plan. I am accountable for those results as reported.

Honourable Michael de Jong
Minister of Forests

June 14, 2005


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