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Report on Resources

The Ministry of Forests estimates for 2004/05 were $529.582 million. During the year, the ministry received additional funding for direct fire-fighting costs due to the severity of the fire season, and for funding reforestation activities and compensation payments. Total authorized estimates for the year were $736.303 million.

At the end of 2004/05, the Ministry of Forests was under-expended by $2.4 million, or less than one per cent of the total approved expenditures. The breakdown of expenditures by the three ministry goals is shown below.

Funding for the ministry is provided in the Ministry Operations Vote of the legislature and three special accounts (BC Timber Sales, the Forest Stand Management Fund (FSMF) and the South Moresby Forest Replacement Account (SMFRA). The SMFRA expenditures are under the oversight of a joint federal — provincial management committee. Forest Investment expenditures are overseen by a Forest Investment Council.

2004/05 Expense Breakdown by Goal

2004/05 Expense Breakdown by Goal.

Goal Per cent of Expenditures Funding Source (Vote or Special Account) Core Business
Sustainable Forest Resources 48% • Ministry Operations Vote • Forest Protection
• FSMF (special account) • Stewardship
• SMFRA (special account) • Stewardship
Sustainable Forest Benefits 42% • Ministry Operations Vote • Pricing and Selling the Timber
• BC Timber Sales (special account) • BC Timber Sales
Effective and Responsive Forest Manager 10% • Ministry Operations Vote • Executive and Support Services

2004/05 Resource Summary

Estimated1 Other Authorizations2 Total Estimated Actual Variance
Operating Expenses ($000)
Forest Protection 91,536 109,357 200,893 210,161 9,269
Stewardship of Forest Resources 43,197 13,297 56,494 50,885 (5,609)
Compliance and Enforcement 27,044 0,000 27,044 26,418 (626)
Pricing and Selling Timber 99,340 100,000 199,340 186,485 (12,855)
BC Timber Sales 131,800 (15,932) 115,868 115,868 0
Executive and Support Services 51,665 0 51,665 64,786 13,121
Forest Investment 85,000 0 85,000 79,230 (5,770)
Total 529,582 206,721 736,303 733,833 (2,470)
Full-time Equivalents (Direct FTEs)
Forest Protection 626 58 684 741 57
Stewardship of Forest Resources 367 367 417 50
Compliance and Enforcement 292 292 292 0
Pricing and Selling Timber 663 663 690 27
BC Timber Sales 529 529 523 (6)
Executive and Support Services 461 461 534 73
Forest Investment 4 4 4 0
Total 2,942 58 3,000 3,201 201
Ministry Capital Expenditures (Consolidated Revenue Fund) ($000)
Forest Protection 2,430 2,430 2,136 (294)
Stewardship of Forest Resources 2,498 2,498 2,195 (303)
Compliance and Enforcement 1,911 1,911 1,680 (231)
Pricing and Selling Timber 3,848 3,848 3,382 (466)
BC Timber Sales 990 990 (423) (1,413)
Executive and Support Services 1,383 1,383 1,215 (168)
Forest Investment 0 0 0
Total 13,060 0,000 13,060 10,185 (2,875)
Other Financing Transactions ($000)
BC Timber Sales — Disbursements 72,491 0,000 72,491 65,072 (7,419)

1  Estimates as presented to the Legislative Assembly on February 17, 2004.
2  Other authorization during the year included:

  • Forest Protection: Statutory authority to overspend for Direct Fire;
  • Stewardship of Forest Resources: $12.5 M for reforestation for Forests for Tomorrow; and $.797 M additional expense authority for Forest Stand Management Fund;
  • Pricing and Selling Timber: $50 M for Transition Assistance, and $50 M for Compensation for Harvesting Rights; and
  • BC Timber Sales operating expenses are its capitalized expenses which are the total costs associated with: developing and selling the timber that was harvested in the year; plus post-sale activities such as harvest conformance and post-harvest activities such as silviculture, road and bridge maintenance and deactivation; and, other current period costs such as administrative overhead. The $15.932 million represents the cost savings realized on the timber volume harvested in the year.

Explanations and Comments

The ministry approved the redistribution of some resources during the year to respond to changing operational requirements. These included:

Forest Protection

The ministry received statutory approval to overspend on fire protection activities. The ministry continued to implement the recommendations contained in the Firestorm 2003 Provincial Review by Gary Filmon. In 2004/05 the ministry hired seven additional unit crews, contracted two additional airtankers and promoted fuel management in communities.

The mountain pine beetle epidemic in Central British Columbia is continuing to grow; the ministry spent an additional $1.4 million in forest health activities to address this issue.


Delays in the start up of the new Forests for Tomorrow reforestation program resulted in surpluses under the Stewardship core business. In addition, surpluses from the South Moresby Forest Replacement Account were a result of pending approvals from the Government of Canada linked to transfer of the fund to local control.

The only significant year over year change in the ministry's resourcing between 2003/04 and 2004/05 were expenditures related to the introduction of the Forests for Tomorrow Program. This program will have a significant impact on the ministry's ability to respond to the Mountain Pine Beetle in future years, however expenditures in 2004/05 were relatively minor as the program was introduced late in the fiscal year.

Pricing and Selling the Timber

Surpluses resulted from prolonged negotiation of First Nations forest and range agreements. Negotiations are continuing and additional agreements are expected to be signed in 2005/06.

Forest Investment

The Forest Investment Account surplus relates to a change in capitalization policy affecting the International Marketing Program, Dream Home China project, cost savings in project implementation and environmental constraints that did not allow for full utilization of project funds.

Executive and Support Services

Additional expenditures were required to address several ministry initiatives: increased legal costs, upgrade of the ministry radio systems to meet federal regulation standards, increased systems costs to address revenue issues, implementation of forest policy changes and increased costs for the ministry's portion of government's shared services costs.


The BC Timber Sales special account realized a $1.413 million surplus in capital expenditures as a result of a prior period cost adjustment. This surplus was not available for redistribution.


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