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Highlights of the Year

This section summarizes the significant events and performance achievements in the ministry during 2004/05. The events and achievements categorized below by ministry goal indicate how well the ministry has achieved key aspects of its mandate.

Goal 1: Sustainable Forest Resources

  • With projected increasing dry summer conditions, wildfires are continuing to be a significant threat to British Columbia's Interior communities. As part of ongoing efforts to improve fire management policies, streamlined regulation and improved accountability by forest users have been confirmed under the new Wildfire Act and regulation, which were brought into effect March 31, 2005. In addition to the new Act, the ministry has made substantial progress on fulfilling key recommendations from both the B.C. Auditor General's 2001 report and the Firestorm 2003 Provincial Review.
  • Since 1999, warmer winters and the abundance of aging pine forests have led to a mountain pine beetle infestation unparalleled in recorded North American history. As of fall 2004, the area affected was over 7.0 million hectares and the current model projects that 80 per cent of British Columbia's pine forest will be killed by 2013. In 2004/05 the ministry worked together with forest industry, affected communities and other government agencies on a renewed Mountain Pine Beetle Action Plan for 2005 to 2010. Considerable resources and efforts are being mobilized to address impacts on forests and interior communities.
  • Government created a new Forests for Tomorrow program and is allocating $86 million over the next three years to reforesting and managing key areas impacted by wildfire and mountain pine beetle.
  • The first State of British Columbia's Forests Report was released in March 2005.
  • Range agreement holders continued to be challenged by pressure on range resources due to drought and wildlife grazing, and the challenge from BSE (bovine spongiform encephalopathy), or mad cow disease.
  • Targets were mostly achieved, achieved or exceeded on 15 out of the 16 performance measures under this goal.

Goal 2: Sustainable Forest Benefits

  • Despite U.S. imposed countervailing and anti-dumping duties on Canadian softwood lumber, B.C.'s share of the U.S. softwood lumber market remained steady. B.C. and Canada continue to pursue settlement of the softwood lumber dispute through negotiation and litigation.
  • The area of forestland certified by major certification processes in British Columbia continues to grow at a substantial rate, helping the forest industry to meet the interests of customers and demonstrating the provinces' commitment to sustainable forest management.
  • Implementing the Forestry Revitalization Plan continued to be a focus.
  • The Small Scale Salvage Program was implemented and achieved its targets.
  • In 2004/05, government provided community forest opportunities for 25 communities across the Province. Over 264 462 hectares are currently being managed as community forests under 11 licences.
  • The Forest Practices Board carried out a special investigation on MOF bridges and "...found high levels of compliance with bridge maintenance standards, even during periods of organizational change within the ministry."
  • BC Timber Sales made significant progress on implementing strategies in support of its objectives.
  • Twenty-five Forest and Range Agreements providing revenue sharing and access to timber tenure were signed with First Nations, bringing the cumulative total to 47 agreements signed with 57 First Nations groups.
  • All 11 performance measure targets under this goal were mostly achieved, achieved, or exceeded in 2004/05.

Goal 3: Effective and Responsive Forest Manager

  • The ministry launched a Road Ahead revitalization strategy with the overall goal of building a higher performing organization. Executive and Senior managers have led the implementation of the strategy's six foundational goals including a focus on our vision, mission and mandate, leadership and corporate learning.
  • Four significant client services were implemented electronically via an Internet link, benefiting both the ministry and its clients.
  • Three out of four performance measure targets under this goal were mostly achieved, achieved, or exceeded in 2004/05.


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