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Message from the Minister  
Highlights of the Year  
Ministry Role and Services  
Report on Performance  
Report on Resources  
Appendix 1: Supplementary Reporting Information  
Appendix 3: Crowns, Agencies, Boards and Commissions reporting to the Minister of Finance  
Appendix 4: Legislation  
Appendix 5: Interprovincial comparison statistics prepared by Moody's  

Ministry of Finance  

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Appendix 2: Public Affairs Bureau

On September 9, 2004, the Premier publicly announced that ministerial responsibility for the Public Affairs Bureau was being transferred to the Minister of Finance. At that time, the Minister of Finance assumed responsibility for the office, including administration and spending decisions. However, as the formal budget transfer of the Public Affairs Bureau to the Ministry of Finance did not occur until the 2005/06 Estimates, the disclosure of the 2004/05 appropriation and related spending is reflected in the figures for the Office of the Premier and is therefore not included in the figures for the Ministry of Finance.

Office Overview

Public Affairs Bureau

The Bureau leads and coordinates communications with internal and external stakeholders, and ensures that information about government programs and services is accessible to British Columbians.


Government communicates its policies and priorities to the public in an open and transparent manner.


Effective communication of government's strategic priorities to the public in a consistent and informative manner.

Key Strategies

Strategies to achieve this objective included:

  1. Government's Strategic Plan and ministry and Crown corporation service plans were published on the government's website.
  2. Government's, ministry and Crown corporation annual reports were published on the government's website.
  3. Government's communications structures were aligned to ensure co-ordination between Ministers' Offices and their ministries.
  4. Information was communicated to the public through a variety of sources (MLAs, media, support materials, public events and forums, public policy studies and reports and fact-based advertising) as appropriate.
Performance Measure 2003/04 Actual 2004/05 Target 2004/05 Actual
Open Cabinet meetings held monthly. 7 open cabinet meetings were televised and webcast. Monthly open cabinet meetings are televised and webcast. Achieved: 6 open cabinet meetings televised and webcast.
Service Plans are published on the government website. 100 per cent. 100 per cent. Achieved.
Annual Reports are published on the government website. 100 per cent. 100 per cent. Achieved.
Provide timely responses to the media from appropriate ministries. Media responses provided 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Media responses provided 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Achieved.

Report on Resources

The following table summarizes the budgeted and actual expenses for the Public Affairs Bureau for fiscal 2004/05. Overall, the Bureau is under spent by $574,000.

Variances are calculated as "Actual" minus "Total Estimated" = "Variance", so that overspending will be without brackets and underspending in brackets.

2004/05 Resource Summary

Estimated1 Other Authorizations Total Estimated Actual Variance
(Actual minus Total Estimated)2
Operating Expenses ($000)
Public Affairs Bureau 33,105 33,105 32,531 (574)
Full-time Equivalents (Direct FTEs)
Public Affairs Bureau 199 199 182 (17)
Ministry Capital Expenditures (Consolidated Revenue Fund) ($000)
Public Affairs Bureau 485 485 318 (167)

1  Estimated amounts correspond to the Estimates presented to the Legislature on February 17, 2004.
2  Variance display convention has been changed this year to be consistent with the change introduced in public accounts. Variance is in all cases "Actual" minus "Total Estimates". Where the Actual is greater the Variance is displayed without brackets.



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