Related Initiatives and Planning Processes

Deregulation and Regulatory Reform

The Ministry will support Government’s Regulatory Reform initiatives by committing to controlling regulatory burden and improving regulatory quality by:

  • Identifying at least one regulatory reform opportunity that will shift the Ministry’s regulations to be more citizen-centred, cost-effective, results-based, and responsive to our clients by reducing and/or streamlining the steps or business processes involved in complying with ministry regulations; and
  • Adhering to the regulatory criteria set out in the Regulatory Reform Policy, and targeting a 0% net increase in regulation through 2008/09.

The Oil and Gas Regulatory Improvement Initiative will consolidate, integrate and harmonize regulations, creating the world’s best regulatory environment for oil and gas.

Overview of Information Resource Management Plan

The Ministry’s Information Resource Management Plan is available at:

Citizen-Centred Service Delivery

In order to create an innovative public service focused on meeting the needs of clients, the Ministry continues to embrace an organizational culture where excellence is recognized and rewarded. At the same time, Ministry employees are encouraged to achieve an optimal balance between their work life and personal commitments as part of an overarching strategy to help government employees excel in the provision of public services.

Staff is encouraged to develop new and innovative methods and business practices, which take advantage of partnerships with other organizations and new technologies. Mineral Titles Online, an Internet-based mineral rights acquisition and maintenance tool, has garnered recognition from business and industry as well as a number of awards. The Ministry strives to create a dynamic organization where creative and progressive ideas and solutions are welcomed and individual and team accomplishments are acknowledged.

In support of the governments’ Citizen-Centred Service Delivery Front Counter BC initiative, the Ministry is working directly with the Integrated Land Management Bureau (ILMB) to support that agency’s delivery of “single point of contact” services in a number of regional centres for a number of natural resource ministries and agencies. The Ministry’s clients will be able to seek information and make application for certain services through the Bureau. In addition, the Ministry is committed to making best efforts to achieve target adjudication times on applications that have been agreed between the Ministry and the Bureau. Examples of services available through ILMB offices include: applications for Oil and Gas Permits, Notice of Work Placer and Notice of Work Mineral and Coal Bulk Sample/Small Mine.

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