Changes to Goals, Objectives, Strategies Performance Measures and Targets

This Service Plan has been substantially reworked since the September 2005/06 Update. The plan is now more focused, strategic and reflective of the Ministry’s mandate. It departs from selecting goals by core business area and now includes corporate goals for which all areas of the Ministry are accountable. New performance measures show how these goals will be supported. The result is improved integration of goals and strategies across the whole of the Ministry.

One of our major new initiatives is a renewed Energy Plan, aimed at developing a contemporary blueprint to guide the future management and use of BC’s energy resources over the long term. The Province plans to build on the 2002 Plan with a new energy vision for electricity, oil and gas, and alternative energy, with greater emphasis on conservation, efficiency and innovation. New policy and regulatory frameworks will be developed to ensure this new energy vision can be achieved. Outcomes are expected to include: new energy efficiency measures, a strategy to continue to grow the oil and gas industry, increased promotion of exploration, and a strategy to reduce transportation emissions.

Ministry Performance Plan Summary Table

Ministry Performance Plan Summary Table.

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