2005/06 – 2007/08 SERVICE PLAN
Ministry of Transportation
Vision, Mission and Values
The vision of the Ministry of Transportation is a fully integrated transportation system that advances economic and social growth, and moves goods and people within British Columbia and to markets beyond.
The mission of the Ministry of Transportation is to:
- Create an integrated and safe transportation network that incorporates all modes of transport, reflects regional priorities, and provides a strong foundation for economic growth; and
- Maintain and improve the provincial highway system, ensuring the safe and efficient movement of people and goods provincially, nationally and internationally.
- We respect regional and community goals and priorities.
- We are responsive to the needs of British Columbia business.
- We strive for excellence and innovation.
- We respect the people we serve and work with.
Values at Work
The ministry's values play an important role in guiding our everyday work. We established Regional Transportation Advisory Committees to make sure the ministry was kept up to date on community priorities. We have responded to the needs of business by cutting red tape by over one-third. Excellence and innovation are now actively rewarded under the new contracts for maintaining British Columbia's roads and bridges. To make sure we are treating our employees and customers with the respect they deserve, we regularly solicit their opinions and ideas for improvement. As described in the Ministry's First Nations Consultation Guidelines, we build relationships with First Nations regarding activities and decisions that might impact aboriginal interests. Whenever ministry staff develops new policies, designs new projects or reviews past accomplishments, these values are the benchmark for success.