2004/05 – 2006/07 SERVICE PLAN
Ministry of Transportation
Goals, Objectives, Strategies and Results
This section describes the ministry's overall goals, as well as
supporting objectives that should be met along the way. This section
also describes major strategies the ministry will use to accomplish
its aims, and targets against which performance will be measured.
Ministry staff and the public will be able to gauge how well these
strategies are working over the next three years by comparing the
performance targets below with the actual measured results that
will appear in future annual service plan reports.
Goal 1:Key transportation infrastructure is improved to drive
economic growth and trade.
Goal 2: B.C.
is provided with a safe and reliable highway system.
Goal 3: B.C.'s transportation industries become more competitive.
Goal 4: Excellent
customer service is achieved and the ministry is recognized
as a good employer.